What continent or subcontinent were they in? How large an area did they rule? Did any of them want to control the same area that another empire wanted? 6 th grade network, March 2, 2016 GLCE 6-G2.2.1 Describe the human characteristics of different regions (including language, religion, cultural traditions). 6-G4.4.1 Identify factors that contribute to conflict and cooperation (e.g., control of natural resources, wealth, cultural diversity).
Map is from clickable PDF: World GeoHistoGram Regions A m e r i c a s A f r i c a E u r o p e O c e a n i a A s i a SW (SW Asia: also called Middle) S outh E ast C entral
SW Asia E Asia S Asia Europe, small parts of Africa and Asia SW Asia, small parts of Africa and Europe E Asia, C Asia Africa S America
Iran, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan H China, Korea B India, Pakistan, Bangladesh G Italy, Spain, France, Egypt F Iran, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia C Mongoia, China, Iran, Russia E Mali, Nigeria, Ghana A Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile D
In your handout packet, there is a table that shows the date, size, population and other facts about 20 historic empires. Let’s do a map investigation of a shorter list of 8 empires that had a lasting influence in different parts of the world.
Were they separate? Were they connected by trade? Were they next to each other? Was there conflict?
Two powerful empires existed in the year 100 CE. Trade routes connected them. Draw a short line to connect them. Which continent does each arrow point to? 1_____________ 2_____________ 1 2 Europe ( East ) Asia Map is from clickable PDF: BI1 World Empires clickable map Roman & Han
What feature do you see between them, that might have kept them separate? __________________ Map is from clickable PDF: BI1 World Empires clickable map These two empires are both inside which continent? _____________ Asia High mountains Mauryan & Han
Find a place that both empires tried to control. The blue empire is in which continent? _____________ The other empire is in which continents? _____________ ( south ) Asia Asia Africa Europe Map is from clickable PDF: BI1 World Empires clickable map Persian & Mauryan
Which subcontinents did they not control? Northern E_______ Southern A_______ Map is from clickable PDF: BI1 World Empires clickable map Two empires were especially large. Each ruled parts of more than one continent. E A A Islamic & Mongol Europe Asia Af ri ca
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