SPCAA Head Start & Early Head Start Mental Health and Disability.


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Presentation transcript:

SPCAA Head Start & Early Head Start Mental Health and Disability

Mental Health and Disability Unit Jennifer Quinones Mental Health Manager (806) Blanca Herron Mental Health Assistant (806) Leigh Wells Mental Health Assistant (806)

Mental Health and Disability Unit Services Provided Mental Health/Disability Manager and Assistants: Complete classroom observations Conduct regular on site visits Refer to: Local Education Agency (LEA) for disability services Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) for mental health services Train SPCAA staff and parents at parent meetings Data entry in Child Plus Report to Policy Council on the status of Disability and Mental Health Oversee Program Information Report information

Performance Standards Assessment of children Purpose and Scope of Disabilities Service Plan Developing Individualized Education Programs (IEP) Child Mental Health

Assessment of children § Subpart D—Health Services Performance Standards (b) Screening, the first step in the assessment process, consists of standardized health screening and developmental screening which includes speech, hearing and vision. It is a brief process, which can be repeated, and is never used to determine that a child has a disability. It only indicates that a child may need further evaluation to deter-mine whether the child has a disability. Re-screening must be provided as needed. (b) Screening, the first step in the assessment process, consists of standardized health screening and developmental screening which includes speech, hearing and vision. It is a brief process, which can be repeated, and is never used to determine that a child has a disability. It only indicates that a child may need further evaluation to deter-mine whether the child has a disability. Re-screening must be provided as needed.

Articulation Screening Pearson Preschool Language Scale Fourth Addition PLS 4

PLS 4 is designed to identify children who may need to be referred for further speech or language assessments. Can be administered in min Can be administered by teachers, paraprofessionals, and teacher’s aides

Pearson Preschool Language Scale Fourth 4 PLS 4 Screens:Language Social / Interpersonal skills Articulation Connected speech Stuttering Voice disorders Communication skills

Partner sites may use their own Articulation Screening that is in compliance with Performance Standard Screening must be researched based - Copies of the instrument used must be placed in the child’s brown file

MH/D unit will connect Partner sites to the Pearson representative, if they would like to purchase the PLS 4. MH/D unit will assist Partner sites with training.

Performance Standard Purpose and Scope of Disabilities Service Plan (10%) “The Head Start responsibility is to make available directly or in cooperation with other agencies services in the least restrictive environment in accordance with an individualized education program (IEP) for at least ten percent of enrolled children who meet the disabilities eligibility criteria.”

Performance Standard Disabilities eligibility criteria:

Performance Standard U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 3/10/09 Enrollment of Children with Disabilities Head Start programs should note that to be counted toward the 10% actual enrollment requirement, the children with disabilities they serve must, under Section 640(d)(1), have been determined eligible for special services under IDEA by the agency providing IDEA services in their community.

Therefore, Head Start programs should not count, for purposes of meeting this requirement, those children who have an individualized education program (IEP) developed solely by the Head Start program, as described under 45 CFR (d)

Example: A private provider evaluates a child with potential special needs, develops the IEP, and ultimately provides the special services as required by the IEP. Does a child on an IEP that is completed by a private provider count towards the 10% as required?

Answer: In order for the child in this example to be counted toward the required 10%, the LEA must have agreed to and signed the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) that will be implemented.

This ensures that the LEA has used the information provided to determine that the child is eligible for special services un IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act)

IEP Family Support Workers can provide parent contacts Head Start staff access child information for the ARD process: medical, family concerns, etc. Head Start works towards enhancing public awareness by helping parents and the community understand needs and services for children with disabilities

Head Start provides a regular education program. LEA’s provide services to the child, such as speech or other special needs. Head Start works with the LEA staff to assist the parent and child transition to the public school

Head Start teachers implement individualized activities on the daily lesson plans as recommended in the IEP MH/D unit follows up to ensure the child is receiving services

“ Happiness comes when we test our skills towards some meaningful purpose.”