Chapter 1 HPR 200 SPRING 2011 The Nature of Recreation, Leisure, and Play
Leisure List Make a list of all leisure you have experienced since Friday Find a partner Tell him/her all the leisure “things” that you have recently seen, done, or come into contact with
Essential Elements of Leisure Perceived freedom Autotelic nature Beneficial outcome
Leisure Do as one pleases At one’s own pace Choice in participation Abandon activity at will
Leisure Conceptualized Time Activity State of mind
Leisure As Time Work time vs. Leisure time Work time vs. Non-work time Define as what it is, not what it isn’t
Nash’s Paradigm of Free Time Creativity Active Participation Emotional Participation Killing Time Injury to Self Injury to Society
Leisure As Activity Categories of like activities Allows for ease of study Problem with this definition? Traditional activities may not be seen as leisure for all Activities meanings can change
Leisure as Activity Impulsive phase Perception phase Manipulation phase Consummation phase
Leisure as Activities Expressive acts Impulsive phase Perception phase Manipulation phase Instrumental acts Impulsive phase Consummation phase
Leisure As a State of Mind Freely chosen Perceived freedom Intrinsic motivation Sense of control Optimal arousal Way of being
Optimal Arousal
Defining Leisure Elements Perceived freedom Autotelic activity Beneficial outcome Conceptualizations Time Activity State of mind
Recreation Voluntary Organized Socially redeeming Fun Free time
Recreation Definition: voluntary participation in leisure activities that are meaningful and enjoyable What are the catch words in this definition?
Types of Recreation Public recreation Commercial recreation Corporate recreation Therapeutic recreation Other recreation settings
What kinds of recreation are there? Public Recreation Run by state, federal programs/subsidiaries or by non- profit agencies Example: Paul B Johnson State Park Commercial Recreation Run by for-profit businesses and organizations There is no need to associate these with better or worse facilities or a disdain for profit Example: Movie Theaters, Bowling Alleys, Golf Courses
Types of recreation (cont’d) Corporate Recreation These forms of recreation are put on for the benefit of employees or investors Can exist in conjunction with commercial or public recreation i.e. a bowling team in a for-profit bowling league or a corporate picnic held at a state park.
Types of recreation (cont’d) Therapeutic Recreation (T.R.) Can occur in both public and private sectors Services special populations such as, but not limited to, people with disabilities T.R. could be used to service people with developmental disabilities in playing golf or in a seniors dance program, or to provide outdoor trust-based physical activities to youth from abusive backgrounds. Other forms of recreation exist such as private club recreation or niche market recreation such as military recreation.
Play Spontaneity Expressive Done for its own sake
Play…what is it? Play: Activities in which one engages freely and from which one derives personal satisfaction. Other definitions imply a lack of formal organization that is implicit of play (know this). Play is universal across cultures and even across species. Implications are that there is a biological purpose to develop kinesthetic awareness. Studies have even found traces of a “play center” in the brain. From self awareness to external awareness to cultural and societal awareness, play provides stability and a process of learning.
Leisure, Recreation, or Play??
Biological Interpretations of Play The young play Inherent Karl Groos: prepare young for demands of life
Psychological Interpretations of Play Reflex Drive Motive
Sociological Interpretations of Play Role of human groups on play Joseph Lee: need to belong can be filled through play George Herbert Mead: sense of self emerges during play with others
Cultural Interpretations of Play Culture defines leisure Quality of time Peer pressure Social norms
Summary Elements of Leisure Conceptualization of Leisure Definitions of: Leisure (as time, as activity, as state of mind) Recreation Play
The Nature of Recreation, Leisure, and Play