ncdc We Train to Save Lives Role of Civil Defence in Preparedness & Post Disaster Activities for Petroleum & Gas Industry
ncdc We Train to Save Lives Civil Defence Civil Defence all over the world and in India has been a government program that provides guidance and assistance in preparing for, responding to and recovering from public emergencies that result from conflict or natural disasters.
ncdc We Train to Save Lives CD Measures Civil Defence measures are designed to deal with immediate emergency conditions, protect the public and restore vital services and facilities that have been destroyed or damaged by disaster.
ncdc We Train to Save Lives Why Civil Defence? Relatively, small investments in Preparedness against emergencies enable communities to speed up Recovery by months or years and thereby prevent millions of deaths due to hunger, weather and epidemics that may occur consequent to many major disasters.
ncdc We Train to Save Lives Human Resilience According to the human capital theory in economics, the country’s population is valued more than other factors like land, industry and wealth due to its capacity to rebuild a country after its destruction by nature’s forces or technological hazards.
ncdc We Train to Save Lives Civil Defence in India The Civil Defence program in India relies on the individual and the locality, doing that which is necessary to increase the chances of survival, to minimize damage and to recover quickly.
ncdc We Train to Save Lives Awareness Awareness of the risks and characteristics of a Petrochemical Incident is the foundation of a safe and effective preparedness program All government field forces and responders, along with planners, need to be aware of the hazards. Awareness is maintained by constant Training
ncdc We Train to Save Lives ERM Process
ncdc We Train to Save Lives ERM Process Outcomes
ncdc We Train to Save Lives ERM Process in a Community 1. Communication Within ERM committees With Stakeholders in the Community
ncdc We Train to Save Lives Influence Perception
ncdc We Train to Save Lives 2. Consultation Public Education Public Contribution Public Consultation Public Inquiries Public Partnership
ncdc We Train to Save Lives 3. Teamwork
ncdc We Train to Save Lives 4. Leadership
ncdc We Train to Save Lives 5. Negotiation
ncdc We Train to Save Lives 6. Conflict Management
ncdc We Train to Save Lives Conclusion Research into Human reactions to disaster has overwhelmingly recognized that Resilience to disasters is much more commonly displayed by individuals having Pre-knowledge and Training to withstand the consequences.
ncdc We Train to Save Lives “ This Image compels us to remember those who were killed, those who survived and those who changed forever. ” A Living image
ncdc We Train to Save Lives We Can’t do Everything But We Can Do Some thing and We Intend to do them Very Well
ncdc We Train to Save Lives A SAFER INDIA
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