C11: Probation and Corrections Sean Taylor: What was his crime? What was his sentence? Do you think he received special treatment?
C11: Probation and Corrections Problems with “get tough on crime” Not enough prison room
C11: Probation and Corrections Justification for Community Corrections Reintegration Most convicts will return to the community The corrections system should make this connection Community based corrections help this
C11: Probation and Corrections Justification for Community Corrections Reintegration Definition: A goal of corrections that focuses on preparing the offender for a return to the community unmarred by further criminal behavior
C11: Probation and Corrections Justification for Community Corrections Diversion Not all offenders can be jailed Seen as a strainer, sifting the lesser crimes back out into the community
C11: Probation and Corrections Justification for Community Corrections Diversion Definition: A strategy to divert those offenders who qualify away from prison and toward commnity-based and intermediate sanctions
C11: Probation and Corrections Justification for Community Corrections “Low-Cost Alternative” In the last 10 years, states have tried to cut down on corrections costs
C11: Probation and Corrections Justification for Community Corrections Children and the Commercial Sex Industry p. 290
C11: Probation and Corrections Probation: Doing Time in the Community Sentencing Choices Probation is usually shorter than prison sentence An arrangement between an offender and the authorities Define: Split Sentence Probation
C11: Probation and Corrections Probation: Doing Time in the Community Alternative Sentencing Shock Incarceration Intermittent Incarceration
C11: Probation and Corrections Probation: Doing Time in the Community Eligibility for Probation Page 293, fig What do you think?
C11: Probation and Corrections Probation: Doing Time in the Community Conditions of Probation Read p. 293, Discuss conditions p. 294
C11: Probation and Corrections Probation: Doing Time in the Community Careers in CJ - Read p Scott T. Ballock
C11: Probation and Corrections Probation: Doing Time in the Community Revocation of Probation Ends two ways: completion or misbehavior
C11: Probation and Corrections Probation: Doing Time in the Community Revocation of Probation Define: Technical violation
C11: Probation and Corrections Probation: Doing Time in the Community Revocation of Probation Revocation Trends More trends to be violated More discretion used in determining violation
C11: Probation and Corrections Probation: Doing Time in the Community Revocation of Probation Revocation Trends More trends to be violated More discretion used in determining violation
C11: Probation and Corrections Probation: Doing Time in the Community Does Probation Work? Surveillance and control? Alleviate prison crowding? Rehabilitation?
C11: Probation and Corrections Probation: Doing Time in the Community The Caseload Dilemma Probation officers can always take one more Half of probationers probably don’t comply with conditions
C11: Probation and Corrections Probation: Doing Time in the Community Recidivism and Probation Most probationers complete their terms without being arrested Probation is often more effective at stopping repeat offenses
C11: Probation and Corrections Intermediate Sanctions Definition: Sanctions that are more restrictive than probation and less restrictive than imprisonment. Examples: Fines Community Service Restitution Forfeiture (Definition p. 299) Pretrial diversion programs (Definition p. 299)
C11: Probation and Corrections Intermediate Sanctions Day Reporting Centers Offenders can remain in the community Must spend all or part of a day in a reporting center Cheaper for taxpayers
C11: Probation and Corrections Intermediate Sanctions Swedish Day-Fines p. 300 Read and discuss
C11: Probation and Corrections Intermediate Sanctions Intensive Supervision Probation Definition: Punishment-oriented form of probation Uses stricter and more frequent surveillance than probation
C11: Probation and Corrections Intermediate Sanctions Shock Incarceration Definition: Short period of incarceration to shock you into not wanting more Scared Straight programs were popular in the 1970’s Boot Camps also used in this way
C11: Probation and Corrections Intermediate Sanctions Home Confinement – p. 301 – Read