Best Start Indicator Data Joyce Cleary Senior Program Analyst Statewide Outcomes for Children
Population overview
IRSED (Index of Relative Socio-Economic Disadvantage is produced by the ABS as part of the SEIFA (Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas) and is derived from Census attributes. A lower IRSED score means a more disadvantaged area IRSED score for Elsewhere and Victoria City of Elsewhere was ranked 9 out of 78 LGAs, where a rank of 1 was assigned to the most disadvantaged LGA Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics 2003, Census of Population and Housing: Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA), Australia, ABS data available on request City of Elsewhere was more disadvantaged than the State average Measuring Disadvantage
Disadvantaged Populations within LGAs
Family type, for families with children aged 0 to 8 years in City of Elsewhere and Victoria
Median weekly income, for families with children aged 0 to 8 years in City of Elsewhere and Victoria
Family employment for families with children aged 0 to 8 years in City of Elsewhere and Victoria
Family education for families with children aged 0 to 8 years in City of Elsewhere and Victoria
Percentage of infants fully breastfed at 3 months and 6 months in City of Elsewhere In the Statewide percentage of infants fully breastfed at 3 months was 48.5% - Elsewhere ranked 62 In the Statewide percentage of infants fully breastfed at 6 months was 37.0% - Elsewhere ranked 67
Percentage of children seen by MCH at Home Visit and 3 ½ year consultation in Elsewhere In the Statewide percentage seen at home consultation was 97.1% - Elsewhere ranked 69 In the Statewide percentage seen at 3½ year visit was 55.7% - Elsewhere ranked 53
Percentage of children fully immunised at each age in Elsewhere In : 91.4% fully immunised at mths Statewide - Elsewhere ranked 49 In : 92.7% fully immunised at mths Statewide - Elsewhere ranked 54 In : 85.8% fully immunised at mths Statewide - Elsewhere ranked 45
Average absence days for children in Government schools, Prep to Yr 2, in Elsewhere In 2004: Statewide average absences in Prep was Elsewhere ranked 30 (rank for 2005) In 2004: Statewide average absences in Yr 1 was Elsewhere ranked 58 (rank for 2005) In 2004: Statewide average absences in Yr 2 was Elsewhere ranked 46 (rank for 2005)
Percentage of children meeting reading benchmarks in Government schools In 2005: Statewide percentage meeting benchmark in Prep was 79.7% - Elsewhere ranked 63 In 2005: Statewide percentage meeting benchmark in Yr 1 was 86.3% - Elsewhere ranked 56 In 2005: Statewide percentage meeting benchmark in Yr 2 was 94.8% - Elsewhere ranked 68
Percentage of child protection renotification in children aged 0 to 8 in Elsewhere Elsewhere was ranked 25 out of all LGAs based on
Rate of hospital separations for asthma per 1000 children aged 0 to 8 in Elsewhere Elsewhere was ranked 14 out of 70 LGAs based on
Rate of hospital separations for gastro per 1000 infants aged 0 to 1 in Elsewhere Elsewhere was ranked 14 out of 47 LGAs based on
Public housing retention rate (12mths post allocation) for families with children aged 0 to 8 in Elsewhere Elsewhere was ranked 34 out of 59 LGAs based on
More indicators will be available from the Local Level Survey Doesn’t capture variation within LGA Prompts the “why?” questions Data Issues
Identify strengths Identify areas in need of attention Mapping of community infrastructure and resources Consultation with the local community Using the Evidence Based Catalogue Following the Best Start Action Plan! Next Steps