1. How are the noble gases different from other groups of elements? a. Their atoms do not react easily with other atoms. b. They are nonmetals. c. They have no valence electrons. d. Their atoms react only with each other.
2. Each family in the periodic table has its own characteristic properties based on the number of a. neutrons b. valence electrons c. protons d. ions
3. When an atoms loses an electron, it becomes a a. positive ion b. negative ion c. neutral ion d. neutral ion
4. An ionic bond is the attraction between a. similarly charged ions. b. oppositely charged ions. c. neutral ions. d. neutral atoms.
5. Ions that are made of more than one atom are examples of a. polyatomic ions b. negative ions c. positive ions d. neutral ions.
6. What is the chemical name for the compound with the formula NaS? a. sodium flouride b. magnesium sulfide c. lithium oxide d. sodium sulfide
7. Which of the following is a characteristic property of ionic compounds? a. They have low melting points. b. They have low boiling points. c. They form crystals with characteristic shapes. d. They contain no charged particles
8. In what form can an ionic compound conduct electricity? a. as a solid b. when dissolved in water c. as a crystal d. when warmed slightly
9. A chemical bond formed when two atoms share electrons is called a(n) a. ionic bond b. covalent bond c. polyatomic bond d. crystal bond
10. What is a double bond? a. a bond between two atoms b. one pair of electrons shared between two atoms c. two pairs of electrons shared between two atoms d. two pairs of electrons shared between four atoms
11. Which is a property shared by most molecular compounds? a. High boiling point b. High melting point c. Low melting point d. Nonpolar bonds
12. Molecular compounds do not conduct electricity because they a. break up into ions b. do not break up into ions c. do not dissolve in water d. have high melting points
13. A covalent bond in which electrons are shared unequally is a. polar b. a double bond c. ionic d. polyatomic
14. Very energetic particles that move rapidly particles in all directions in the space outside the nucleus of the an atom are a. ions b. neutrons c. electrons d. protons
15. Atoms are electrically neutral because they have a. equal numbers of protons and neutrons b. equal numbers of electrons and neutrons c. equal numbers of protons and electrons d. no charged particles
16. Which of these particles has a positive charge? a. atom b. proton c. neutron d. electron
17. Elecrons involved in bonding between atoms are a. valence electrons b. inside the nucleus c. closest to the nucleus d. positively charged
18. The atomic number is the number of a. protons in the nucleus of an atom. b. neutrons in the nucleus of an atom. c. valence electrons in an atom. d. electrons in the nucleus of an atom.
19. Water is polar and oil is nonpolar. What happens when the two liquids are poured into the same container? a. both liquids become nonpolar. b. a gas is produced. c. the liquids mix well. d. the liquids do not mix.
20. If atoms of a halogen nonmetal gain one electron, the atoms then have a. no valence electrons b. 7 valence electrons c. 8 valence electrons d. 17 valence electrons
21. Ionic compounds are electrically a. charged b. positive c. negative d. neutral
22. Covalent compounds are electrically a. charged b. positive c. negative d. neutral
23. An electron dot diagram shows an atom’s number of a. protons b. electrons c. valence electrons d. never easily lost
24. A covalent bond in which electrons are shared unequally is a a. double bond b. triple bond c. polar bond d. nonpolar bond
25. The formula of sulfuric acid is H 2 SO 4. How many atoms of hydrogen, sulfur, and oxygen are in one molecule of sulfuric acid? a. H--- b. S--- c.O
26. Which element is the most likely to lose two electrons and form an ion with a charge of +2? a. potassium (K) b. oxygen (O) c. magnesium (Mg) d. aluminum (Al)
H (1) Ar (8) Na (1) N (5) O (6) Cl (7) 27. When nitrogen and hydrogen combine, what will be the ratio of hydrogen atoms to nitrogen atoms in a molecule of the result- ing compound? 3 to 1
H (1) Ar (8) Na (1) N (5) O (6) Cl (7) 28. Which of these elements can become stable by losing one electron? Sodium
H (1) Ar (8) Na (1) N (5) O (6) Cl (7) 29. Which of these elements would react with two atoms of sodium to form an ionic compound? Oxygen
H (1) Ar (8) Na (1) N (5) O (6) Cl (7) 30. What type of bond forms when two atoms of nitrogen join to form a nitrogen molecule? covalent double bond