Stefan Wilke, DESY MHF-e 1 12th ESLS RF Meeting 1 st October, 2008 at DIAMOND Overview and Status of Assembling and Commissioning the RF-System at PETRA III RF: Frequency: f RF = MHz Beam Power (100mA) : P beam = 759 kW (dipol, undulators, damping wigglers and HOM losses) Circumferencial Voltage:U c = 20 MV (in 12 7-cell cavities, power per coupler: 124 kW) rf-Power (100mA) : P rf = 1573 kW (2 transmitter á 786 kW) Mashine: Beam Energy: E 0 = 6 GeV Beam Energy: E 0 = 6 GeV Length: l = 2304 m Length: l = 2304 m Arc radius m and m Arc radius m and m Beam Current: I 0 = 100 mA (200 mA) Beam Current: I 0 = 100 mA (200 mA) loss per turnU l = MeV loss per turnU l = MeV Emittance (hor)ε = 1 nmrad ! Emittance (hor)ε = 1 nmrad ! Topping up Topping up Main parameter:
Stefan Wilke, DESY MHF-e 2 12th ESLS RF Meeting 1 st October, 2008 at DIAMOND the new experiment hall one of 34 moduls on girder 1m grounding: >6000 m 3 concrete Around 850 concrete mixers came to DESY when the concrete monolithic slab (280 m x 24 m x 1 m) of the new PETRA III experimental hall was poured. It took nearly 60 hours without any interruption.
Stefan Wilke, DESY MHF-e 3 12th ESLS RF Meeting 1 st October, 2008 at DIAMOND Changes at the RF system - removal of all 16 cavities and reinstallation of 12 cavities - assembly of new klystron modulators (HV power supplies instead of tubes) - removal of all old electronic and cables and replace by new technique (ELWIS) - reconstruction of the waveguide distribution system - development, test, assembly and commissioning of new control-, regulation- and diagnostictechnique - new high voltage power supply - commissioning of both 500 MHz systems design and construction of feedback-cavities assembly and commissioning of the feedback-system
Stefan Wilke, DESY MHF-e 4 12th ESLS RF Meeting 1 st October, 2008 at DIAMOND changes by time hall SL tunnel SL
Stefan Wilke, DESY MHF-e 5 12th ESLS RF Meeting 1 st October, 2008 at DIAMOND transmitter power supply klystrons outdoor equipment hall SL hall SL new crowbar data of 1 system: 80kV / 38A data of 1 system: 80kV / 38A work largely done work largely done system tested as possible yet system tested as possible yet tested with klystrons at 60kV / 20A tested with klystrons at 60kV / 20A
Stefan Wilke, DESY MHF-e 6 12th ESLS RF Meeting 1 st October, 2008 at DIAMOND RF-system of PETRA III Waveguide Power Distribution 7-cell cavities MT Waveguide Power Distribution 400 kW Load Interconnection Line MT. WG-Shutter 100 kW Load 400 kW Load 800 kW Klystron 4-Port Circulator Phase- Shifter Transmitter Hall PETRA-SRTransmitter Hall PETRA-SL PETRA Tunnel 3 dB Hybr. Coupler Normally each transmitter drives its own 6 cavities. Option to run one transmitter on all 12 cavities. 800 kW Klystron 3 dB Hybr. Coupler 100 kW Load WG-Shutter Phase- Shifter 3 dB Hybr. Coupler Waveguide-Shutter 7-cell cavities WG-Shutter 800 kW Klystron 4-Port Circulator 100 kW Load 400 kW Load Phase- Shifter Phase- Shifter prototype
Stefan Wilke, DESY MHF-e 7 12th ESLS RF Meeting 1 st October, 2008 at DIAMOND Waveguide Power Distribution 3,04,86,07,07,8 to SR from transmitter SL Interconnection Line
Stefan Wilke, DESY MHF-e 8 12th ESLS RF Meeting 1 st October, 2008 at DIAMOND Feedback Kicker-Cavity Modified DAΦNE / PSI design - 8 ports - tuneable: 1315 – 1435 MHz - bandwidth: 140 MHz - R/Q: 73 Ω - quality factor (unloaded): pieces made at DESY 1435 MHz 1315 MHz 6 14
Stefan Wilke, DESY MHF-e 9 12th ESLS RF Meeting 1 st October, 2008 at DIAMOND Feedback Kicker-Cavity
Stefan Wilke, DESY MHF-e 10 12th ESLS RF Meeting 1 st October, 2008 at DIAMOND Feedback Kicker-Cavity
Stefan Wilke, DESY MHF-e 11 12th ESLS RF Meeting 1 st October, 2008 at DIAMOND next steps tunnel closed: 27 st oct. (for magnet power supply tests) testing the software system commisioning of llrf system interlock tests conditioning of the cavities high power tests adjustment of waveguide system at high power 2009: feedback adjustment with beam beam for users
Stefan Wilke, DESY MHF-e 12 12th ESLS RF Meeting 1 st October, 2008 at DIAMOND The MHF-e team thank you