Food Poisoning Case Study What Happened to John This Weekend?!
Thursday Dinner/Friday Lunch: The Infection After leaving a gym near Wanda, I get a pizza from Papa John’s for dinner. Half of the pizza is left in the box over night. The next day I feel sore from the gym. I eat it for lunch the next day. Two hours after lunch I start to feel sick. What might have been on the pizza and where did it come from? – Bacterial colonies; the air, my hands, the hands of the chief Lunch was microwaved 2 mins; research shows 1 min in a microwave can kill most bacteria on food What kills the bacteria? – Heat; denatures proteins If what might have made some bacteria spread? – Heat; If not high enough to kill the bacteria it is promote division Why is the gym an important factor leading to me getting sick? – Body is in recovery; immune system is weakened
Friday Night: Food Poisoning Sick with “Food Poisoning” bacterial infection from contaminated food What are my symptoms? – Fever – Loss of appetite – Abdominal pain – Diarrhea What is causing the fever? – Innate immune response; body trying to cook bacteria and vasodilation moves blood through body faster but also lose body heat faster (I feel freezing is not covered) What is causing the diarrhea? – The bacteria; disrupting ion channels and tight junctions in intestines causing H 2 O loss Sleeping with a fever also leads to what? – Sweating which means more water loss
Saturday: Something New Saturday morning I feel great (comparatively) – No fever or chills, no normal body pains, energy levels have returned 3 symptoms still remain though: – Diarrhea – Loss of appetite – Strong abdominal pains Through out the day I learn: – Pain is not caused by a specific movement but is spreading – Consuming anything causes pain as a response – Pain is getting stronger – I am tired and nap often Why am I tired? – No longer eating; body is running low on ready energy supplies – Loss of water is stressing the body What may be the result of this prolonged infection? – Stress on kidneys and digestive system – Organ failure; Appendicitis
Sunday: Hospital Trip I need help killing the infection time for medicine Hospital tests: 1)Blood test too think to take through finger, must use arm. Why? Dehydrated think plasma – Test show spike in monocyte levels. What are these? 2 nd wave macrophages 2)Stool test results show yeast like bacteria. Why does this explain the abdominal pain? Fermentation releases CO 2 pain 3)Pressure Test pushing on sections of my stomach shows pain only in large intestine. Why is this great news? No organ failure; No Appendicitis
Doctor’s Orders Doctor prescribes: 1)Shot for pain – Artificial endorphin (painkiller) numbs excited nerve endings to slow/weak pain transmission – What type of signal molecule is this? Hormone fast – What membrane proteins might this hormone effect? Na + channels, K + channels, Na + /K + pump
Doctor’s Orders Doctor prescribes: 2) Antibody IV drip (500ml) – Takes over 2 hours – Antibody in Saline solution (0.9% NaCl) – What happens at the end of this treatment? Major headache that lasts all night – Why? Think blood means high conc. for ions. Too many Na + in the blood and low H 2 O do what to cells? Pull out H 2 O through osmosis because the outside is hypertonic – Cells shrink from forced water loss which makes pressure headache 3) Antibody pills for further treatment at home still taking them