Jean-Francois Junger Head of Sector ICT for Government and Public Services ICT-PSP Work programme 2011 Theme 4: ICT for improved public services for citizens and business
THEME 4: ICT FOR INNOVATIVE GOVERNMENT AND PUBLIC SERVICES Pilot Type B Pilot Type A Pilot Type B Objective 4.2: Towards a single European electronic Identification and authentication area Objective 4.3: Piloting IPv6 upgrade for eGovernment services in Europe Objective 4.1: Towards a cloud of public services
Theme Characteristic Objective 4.1 10M€ Up to 5M€ per pilot Several pilots Objective 4.2 8.5M€ One pilot Objective 4.3 3M€ One pilot
Cloud of Public Services Objective 4.1: Towards a cloud of public services Breaking Silos Opening and reuse of services Deployment of new architectures Large scale demonstrators
The Silos approach
Breaking into fundamentals
Opening Public Sector Private Sector
Cloud of Public Services
Characteristics 12 Month piloting Develop business case Should include all relevant stakeholders, private/public services providers Dissemination is important activity Up to 5M€ Funding per project Impact Improve administrative efficiency Promote the reuse by private sector of public services Demonstrate the benefit of this new architecture Cloud of Public Services
Opening Public Sector Private Sector
Websites: Future of the Internet: IPv6 on Europa: tm More information