Battlecry 2011 (April 8-9) THEME:
What is Battlecry? It is a weekend of praising through music and dancing, preaching by different church leaders, lessons from inspirational guest speakers, presentation of mission opportunities here and abroad and breakout sessions for Youths and Parents alike.
In order to understand the Battle We must know the Crisis ATTACK ON A GENERATION Today's teens are being attacked by popular culture like no other generation. Hollywood, the music industry, advertisers, and even the mainstream media are using their arsenal of tools to win the battle for our teens' hearts- and so far they are winning! In order to defeat our enemy, we must know how it thinks and understand the weapons it uses. It is critical that we realize how far-reaching the crisis is- and then we must work together to stop it. TELEVISION This generation views 16 to 17 hours of television each week and sees on average 14,000 sexual scenes and references each year. That's more than 38 references every day.
INTERNET This generation spends three hours a day online and is the first to grow up with point-and-click pornography. Almost 90 percent of teens have viewed pornography online at one of the 300,000 adult websites, most while doing homework. MUSIC More than 25 percent of teen-targeted radio segments contain sexual content; 42 percent of the top selling CDs contain sexual content ADVERTISING With more than $128 billion dollars in their pockets, this generation has been targeted by corporate America, who does everything it can to grow brands and profits without any regard to the moral decay of a generation. In order to understand the Battle we must know the Crisis
Maybe your kid is not one of them… But can you speak for his seatmates, school bus mates, recess partners, neighbors or cousins who may indirectly affect/influence your kid?
If this is something that you would want to experience for you or your kid (s) Please contact Carol Cinco for details and register ASAP so we can avail of good seats and discounts. **Please note that some praise songs maybe too loud for others liking