Run II preparations Test beam plans Moving from 156 to 169 DT-LHCb coordination meeting June 2, 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

Run II preparations Test beam plans Moving from 156 to 169 DT-LHCb coordination meeting June 2, 2015

New and old LHC schedules (as of Wednesday this week) V1.4 V1.3

May 20, 28 and 30 – first collisions at 13 TeV 26/05/15Spokesperson news - Tuesday Meeting 3 TCT settings not final at IP8, so we only turned on CALO, MUONS & Herschel Herschel exploited data and now has established ~final timing settings.

Best track time in Muon Station M3 May 5 May21 May 28 May 30 (450 GeV beams)(6.5 TeV beams)(same timing as 21.5) (7ns shift wrt to clk) 4 R1 R2 R3 R4 Wander Baldini

5 Pump circulation module with two pumps Beatrice Mandelli01 June 2015 (picture from ATLAS... but it’s the same in MWPC LHCb)

6 Beatrice Mandelli01 June 2015

7 Broken weld in pipe connecting pump 1 Beatrice Mandelli01 June 2015

8 O 2 concentration and pump run time Purif A ON Purif B ON Beatrice Mandelli01 June 2015

9 O 2 concentration during open mode Beatrice Mandelli01 June 2015

10 Beatrice Mandelli01 June 2015 O 2 concentration during open mode

11 Machine schedule Media event planned for first physics collisions – tomorrow ! No journalists, but there will be cameras in control room…

12 Plan for first fills

13 Testbeam news Lots of hard work over past couple of weeks in North area involving VELO SciFi TORCH

Timepix3 telescope 8-layer Timepix3 telescope  commissioned in 2014, reinstalled in H8 Active area 1.4 x 1.4 cm 2 ~2  m pointing resolution in the centre Can cope with 25 Mtracks/spill (beam limit) Used by other LHCb groups (this period : SciFi and Torch) beam VELO DUT TORCH SciFi 14

Devices under test Sensor tiles: single sensor on 3 Timepix3 ASICs Many variants: thickness, guard rings, vendors. Non-irradiated & proton/neutron irradiated sensors with different fluences VELO DUT CHAMBER Sensor Title Prototype: same geometry as in the final upgraded VELO 15

Beamspot optimized for the simultaneous running of VELO+SciFi+TORCH Good and stable performance of the SPS (thanks!) Sensor Tile. Beam in the “inter-chip”Region Online Display 16

Non-homogeneous irradiation across sensor fluence 8x10 15 n eq at the tip factor 40 difference in fluence across the sensor Mimic the LHCb radiation profile Irradiation at KIT (26 MeV protons) Irradiated samples: surviving the upgrade Proportional to Collected Charge 17

Collecting charge after full upgrade dose Arbitrary units proportional to charge S22- HPK – 8x10^15 1MeV neq Irradiated at jsi i.e. proportional to charge Absolute calibration not yet determined with certainty but all indications are that performance is very healthy (note linear behaviour → good S/N) 18

AMS silicon ladders (X,Y) 2.5m SciFi fibre modules TimePix telescope (VeLo) TORCH Two telescopes for finding tracks + 4 fibre modules (can also track in 1 dimension) DUT Trigger scintillaors SciFi testbeam 26/05/1519

20 Enthusiastic shift crew

SciFi testbeam summary 26/05/15Spokesperson news - Tuesday Meeting 21 Four fibre modules tested: two 5-layer mats and two 6-layer mats Detect under test: new ‘2015’ fibres with very good attenuation length Newest generation of SiPMs. Read out with SPIROC chips (PACIFIC will be introduced in next campaign, together with irradiated decays). Data taken at multiple positions and angles Collected ~30 million tracks Goals: Measure hit efficiency Measure position resolution Study gaps between silicon dies Study angular dependence Bias voltage scans

Data look good so far Spokesperson news - Tuesday Meeting 22

Test beam schedule