13/01/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich 2a.Tsinghua Jan Tsinghua U. January 2010 Experience with LEP and its meaning for the Linear Collider Tsinghua U. January 2010 Experience with LEP and its meaning for the Linear Collider Ron Settles MPI-Munich
13/01/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich 2a.Tsinghua Jan Outline of talks 1 What physics do we want to do, where?1 What physics do we want to do, where? 2a,b What is the best detector?2a,b What is the best detector? 3 The LCTPC3 The LCTPC 4 Machine and global issues4 Machine and global issues
13/01/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich 2a.Tsinghua Jan Talk #2a What is the best detector? What is the best detector?
13/01/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich 2a.Tsinghua Jan Best detector? Best detector? The starting point … Best detector? Best detector? The starting point …
13/01/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich 2a.Tsinghua Jan Best detector? Best detector? e.g.from my Arlington2003 talk
13/01/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich 2a.Tsinghua Jan ~6x10-4/(GeV/c) ~0.6/ Zpeak ~3x10-3/(GeV/c) Best detector? Best detector? Values for Aleph: ~10 100 m 1.5
13/01/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich 2a.Tsinghua Jan x10-4/(GeV/c) Best detector? Best detector? Again the Arlington talk values…
13/01/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich 2a.Tsinghua Jan Now 2x10-5/(GeV/c) Now 0.25/ Zpeak Particle Flow 3x10-4/(GeV/c) Best detector? Best detector? …tightening the screws,ie…
13/01/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich 2a.Tsinghua Jan LOIs called for by RD (Sakue Yamada) in March2008, to be submitted March2009 LDC+GLD joined to “ILD” for LOI The two complementary detectors for ILC IR may have different design, sizes, etc. The two complementary detectors for ILC IR may have different design, sizes, etc. Differences of their interfaces to the machine should be understood, and if possible, unified Differences of their interfaces to the machine should be understood, and if possible, unified
13/01/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich 2a.Tsinghua Jan Physics determines detector design « momentum: d(1/p) = 6 x /GeV (1/10xLEP) (1/10xLEP) e + e - ZH ll X goal: M <0.1x e + e - ZH ll X goal: M <0.1x dominated by beamstrahlung dominated by beamstrahlung impact parameter : d=510/p(GeV)m (1/3xSLD) (1/3xSLD) excellent flavour tagging capabilities for charm excellent flavour tagging capabilities for charm and bottom quarks e.g. measurement of Higgs and bottom quarks e.g. measurement of Higgs branching ratios branching ratios
13/01/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich 2a.Tsinghua Jan Physics determines detector design « particle flow dE/E = 0.30/ E (1/2xLEP) (1/2xLEP) di-jet mass resolution distinguish W and Z in their hadronic decay modes di-jet mass resolution distinguish W and Z in their hadronic decay modes LEP-like resolution Dilution factor vs cut: integrated luminosity equivalent
13/01/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich 2a.Tsinghua Jan Calorimeters
13/01/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich 2a.Tsinghua Jan High precision tracking…
13/01/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich 2a.Tsinghua Jan Next talk 2b: Which is the best detector?, continued…
13/01/2008 Ron Settles MPI-Munich 2a.Tsinghua Jan …take a break…