Episodic warming of early Mars by punctuated volcanism John San Filippo
Solar Luminosity The Sun has gotten brighter since it’s formation Lots of evidence points towards liquid water on mars How?
Physics of planetary atmospheres Solar Energy Atmospheric Albedo Surface Albedo Greenhouse Gasses
Geomorphic Evidence of Water on Mars
Basaltic Extrusion
Sulfur Emissions leading to warming
Sulfate formation/deposit After periods of eruption, mars cooled again Sulfate formation In subsequent warmings, collected in low laying areas Only see this in subsolar latitudes
Methods Model calculated Sulfur effects at 50 layers Followed H 2 SO 4 from birth to deposition Also included atmospheric and outgassing fluctuations
Wrap/up questions Dependent on scattering and dust to prevent net cooling How does new water discovery change this model?
sources J. varekamp GCC spring Ignasi Ribas (2009). The Sun and stars as the primary energy input in planetary atmospheres. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 5, pp doi: /S