Mega Structures
The Eiffel Tower Big Ben The great wall of China The statue of Liberty Mega structures
Big Ben Big Ben is 151 years old Big ben is 2.28 metres tall Big ben is actually the name of the bell not the tower If you are standing in the belfry you would feel the vibration from head to toe Big ben has several birthdays
The GREAT WALL OF CHINA It is typicaly included in the seven wonders of the medeivel world The great wall of china is the biggest object made by humans It is made of dirt, mud, stone and brick It is between 5 and 9 metres tall It has been damaged by weather and earthquakes
THE EIFFEL TOWER The Eiffel Tower has 20,000 light bulbs In France The Eiffel Tower is called/ La Tour Eifel It is the most paid monument Hitler cut the lift wire and climbed up it instead
THE STATUE OF LIBERTY The statue was a gift from France for America’s 100 th birthday and for their friendship A tablet held in her left hand mesures 23’7’’ tall There are 154 steps to the pedestal to the head
The end