What is a paradigm???? Thomas Kuhn The Structure of Scientific Revolutions Paradigms through history Hegemonic Paradigm Paradigm Shifts Anomalies Counter-Hegemonic Paradigms
Adopting a paradigm A set of assumptions governing how we interact and interpret the world Paradigms are a lot like religion, people do not change them often, if ever Changing values or beliefs is emotionally and psychologically painful Automatically reject alternative paradigms Avoiding anomie
Paradigms and the structure of the Universe Geo-centrism: The hegemonic paradigm –Earth’s position is fixed –Earth as center of the universe Galileo and the Counter-hegemonic paradigm: Helio-centrism –Earth and all objects in our solar system revolve around the sun –Pope has a talk with Galileo
Helio-centrism: Counter-hegemonic paradigm
Paradigmatic Approaches to International Relations Realism (Power Paradigm) Idealism (Pluralism) Globalism (Marxist/Radical Paradigm) Indigenous (“Fourth World”) Reductionism Evil, Good, Money, Land
Why Governments/States? State of Nature Social Contract Thomas Hobbes “Leviathan” Nasty, Brutish, Short Strong Central Authority Absolute Power (Walking god on Earth) John Locke: Two Treaties on Government Public Goods/Limited Government
Future World Orders Borrow from science fiction writers H.G. Wells/Moon travel George Orwell/1984/Statespeak Use of computer modeling/forecasts First developed by Prof. Richard Falk –From the book “Future World Orders” Political Risk Analysis as Sub-field
Future World Orders of the Paradigms Realism/Pessimistic –Life Boat Ethics –Thomas Malthus –Game Theory –Negative Sum Idealism/Optimistic –Learning Curve/Positive Sum –Faith in Technology Marxism/Globalism World wide social revolution Indigenous –Destruction of States/Patchikuti