Program Services Coordinators (PSC) Your Support for Strong Clubs and Successful Exchanges 1
Introduction There are nearly 400 FF clubs around the world, and over 300 exchanges are conducted each year. Each club is assigned to a single program coordinator (PSC) who will assist them with club matters. Each exchange is assigned to a single PSC who will work closely with the ambassador and host exchange directors. A PSC is responsible for an average of 40 exchanges and programs each year. 2
Club Development PSCs assist with establishing new clubs. As part of the Expansion Plan, we aim to establish 45 new clubs. PSCs also offer support to existing clubs with membership recruitment. 3
Facilitating communication between Exchange Directors (EDs) PSCs facilitate communication using the following resources: o s o Telephone o Utilizing the expertise of fellow PSCs o Liaising with FFI volunteers, Field Representatives and other leaders o Mediation o Translations 4
PSCs assist and guide Exchange Directors with the following: o Exchange scheduling and planning o Advice on travel Visas Travel insurance o Budgeting Vendor guidelines Exchange fees Payments o Health and Mobility guidelines o Cancellations ED Guidance 5
Exchange Recruitment PSCs can help the ED recruit for their exchange when needed by using: o Online World of Friends Catalog o ing ED invites o Information from the Exchange Interest Survey o Field Representatives and other regional leaders 6
Help with Online Resources PSCs assist club presidents and EDs with understanding and implementation of FFI Club & Exchange Polices as well as Health and Mobility guidelines PSCs also assist with website navigation: o How to find exchanges and club documents online o World of Friends Catalog o Online exchange payments and Legacy Fund donations o Leadership toolkit 7
Ongoing exchange assignments After exchanges have been assigned for the year, PSCs work on additional assignments when requested such as: o Changes in exchange destinations o Assigning new host clubs o Finding additional weeks of hosting o Creating new exchanges 8
Financial Matters PSCs also assist with: o Determining program fees o Exchange payments online or through a bank transfer o Transferring host fees PSCs are responsible for balancing the account of each exchange. 9
Post-exchange Evaluations PSCs provide a link to the Exchange Evaluation. PSCs follow up on issues reported and lessons learned, and make recommendations for improvements. Share exchange experiences including information about optional tours with future EDs. 10
Who is your PSC? 11 Download this guide