How many calories would you burn in a one mile run?
However, this is just an estimate. It depends on your physical fitness when you go for a run. Some people could burn 200 or even 250 calories while running a mile.
What is the recommended daily calorie intake for men and women? 1940 for women and 2550 for men 2 for womenwomen and 3 for men 1856 for women and for men
Although this is an accurate estimate for daily intake it can vary greatly depending on your lifestyle and other factors. This is a healthy estimate for people to stick too.
How many pieces of fruit should you eat in a day?
Eating fruit is important for keeping healthy. Instead of eating food high in calories you should aim to eat 5 pieces of fruit a day.
Which one of these food products contains more calories per 100g?
There are around 525 calories per 100g of crisps so next time you want some crisps you may want to reconsider how many you eat. The Cadbury's bar has 525 calories per 100g and the jelly babies have 325 calories per 100g.
Which method for burning calories is the most effective? Skateboarding Skydiving Power walking
Per hour of power walking you burn 300 calories, however this is just an estimate because it all depends on your weight. the more you weigh the more calories burned during an physical activity.
Which of these would you prefer to have for a snack?
Did you know there are 71 calories in one digestive biscuit. Also there is around 520 calories in a 100g chocolate bar. The healthiest option for a snack would be the apple so if you would normally have biscuits or chocolate you may want to try fruit instead.
What is the formula for BMI? BMI = ( weight in Kilograms / ( height in meters x height in meters) BMI = weight in kilograms / (weight in kilograms x weight in kilograms) BMI = (weight in kilograms / (weight in kilograms x height in meters ) )
Calculating your BMI tells you if you are over weight, or at a healthy weight or if you are not eating enough and you are under weight. It is good for letting you know if you need to cut down on unhealthy foods or food types and also for telling you if you are not getting enough of a specific food type = underweight 20 or above = overweight = average
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