Starter: You have 10 minutes to consider the various features which the Character and Voice poems have in common. The task is meant to be a quick fire revision activity to test your knowledge of the poems and how well you are able to make comparisons between them.
The Big Think: Who is more powerful: The River God or Medusa? Be prepared to justify your decision! Vs.
Comparing Poetry – Exploring How Power is Presented in Two Poems In today’s lesson we will go through the steps (although on a more elaborate scale) that you will take to analyse Poetry to an A* Grade! Are you excited? Objectives: To analyse and explain the links between two poems on the same theme Challenge: To evaluate the presentation of the theme in the poems and offer insightful links. Objectives: To analyse and explain the links between two poems on the same theme Challenge: To evaluate the presentation of the theme in the poems and offer insightful links.
Step One – analyse the question The question: Compare how ideas of power are shown in The River God and Medusa. Higher Level Thinkers analyse the question … They might consider: What makes someone powerful? Is power the same thing as manipulation? Is having power over someone ever positive? Higher Level Thinkers analyse the question … They might consider: What makes someone powerful? Is power the same thing as manipulation? Is having power over someone ever positive? Be a high level thinker – On your tables you have a small piece of paper and a large piece of paper. On the small piece mind map your discussion. Be a high level thinker – On your tables you have a small piece of paper and a large piece of paper. On the small piece mind map your discussion.
Step 2: How is Power shown in each of the two poems? Using the headings, on the pink background, consider how power is shown in each poem. Make sure that you leave space in the middle to be able to make links. Challenge: As you record your ideas consider how that aspect may be linked to the other poem. Using the headings, on the pink background, consider how power is shown in each poem. Make sure that you leave space in the middle to be able to make links. Challenge: As you record your ideas consider how that aspect may be linked to the other poem. Form – Stanzas, Poetic form, line length, narrative voice Language - What literary devices can you find? Imagery – What images are created through individual words? Rs – The 3 Rs – repetition rhyme and rhythm Tone – What is the tone of the poem? Are there any themes? Structure – How has the poet organised their ideas? Form – Stanzas, Poetic form, line length, narrative voice Language - What literary devices can you find? Imagery – What images are created through individual words? Rs – The 3 Rs – repetition rhyme and rhythm Tone – What is the tone of the poem? Are there any themes? Structure – How has the poet organised their ideas?
Step 3: choose the best quotes If the quotes don’t really illustrate you point – don’t use it! To get an A* it must be insightful – therefore you must be able to analyse it to be able to say anything insightful! If the quote is not precise – don’t use it! If the quotes don’t really illustrate you point – don’t use it! To get an A* it must be insightful – therefore you must be able to analyse it to be able to say anything insightful! If the quote is not precise – don’t use it! 1.Now it’s time to find some quotes. 2.Each person should INDEPENDENTLY look for quotes. 3.You will then, collaboratively, need to decide which quote works best for each point. 1.Now it’s time to find some quotes. 2.Each person should INDEPENDENTLY look for quotes. 3.You will then, collaboratively, need to decide which quote works best for each point.
F.L.I.R.T.S Form – Stanzas, Poetic form, line length, narrative voice Language - What literary devices can you find? Imagery – What images are created through individual words? Rs – The 3 Rs – repetition rhyme and rhythm Tone – What is the tone of the poem? Are there any themes? Structure – How has the poet organised their ideas? Form – Stanzas, Poetic form, line length, narrative voice Language - What literary devices can you find? Imagery – What images are created through individual words? Rs – The 3 Rs – repetition rhyme and rhythm Tone – What is the tone of the poem? Are there any themes? Structure – How has the poet organised their ideas?
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