Note: The first status check should occur on the launch flight day prior to crew pre-sleep. This is the only feedback the Glacier team has that the Glacier is functioning properly after launch. Desired separation of status checks is between 8-12 hours. A status check should be scheduled within one hour of sample transfer to verify Glacier is ready to support sample stowage. For 15A, the HW PREP is scheduled just before the Dome Gene insertion. A 10-minute status check is required after transfer and any door opening to verify Glacier is functioning properly. The additional 5 minutes allows the crew the time to reset any messages or record some additional data that may be present due to the door opening. Power interruptions must be limited to 120 minutes when samples are inside Glacier. Power-off greater than 120 minutes will affect sample stability and will degrade scientific results. Ascent Glacier: Dome Gene Large Cylinder. Descent Glacier: Rad Gene & LOH, HRP Urine. ~1 hr ~1-2 hrs :5 15ADOCK15ADOCK 15AUNDOCK15AUNDOCK 15ALAUNCH15ALAUNCH :55 GLACIER-STS-HW PREP Crew prepares Glacier for sample transfer by unlocking the front door captive locks. Includes status check. MDDK-STAT-CHECK Crew checks the status of Glacier approximately 2 hours after any door opening. (One hour minimum is required to allow time for Glacier to stabilize before the check.) 1:00 GLACIER-ISS-XFR Crew disconnects/powers down the Descent Glacier, locks rear launch locks, exchanges the Descent Glacier for the Ascent Glacier, unlocks rear launch locks, and powers up/connects the Ascent Glacier in the EXPRESS Rack. Photos of the rear intake and exhaust vents to document level of debris on screens are taken. GLACIER-STS-VIDEO Crew takes video of the payload and front panel for PD ground verification of on-orbit configuration. GLACIER-STS-PHOTO Crew takes photos of another crewmember working at the Glacier. :15 :10 :15 DGENE- GLCR/MELF- RLC Crew relocates Dome Gene cylinder from ISS Glacier to MELFI. MDDK-STAT-CHECK Crew checks the status of Glacier hardware functions and the operational temperature twice per day including crew "off-duty" days. DOME GENE-STS-OPS Crew washes two large Culture Chambers, places Culture Chambers into a Large Fixation Cylinder, and fixes samples. Crew inserts the cylinder into Shuttle Glacier for cold stowage. Time Critical: Crew call down at end of activity. GLACIER-STS-XFR Crew disconnects/powers down the Ascent Glacier, exchanges the Ascent Glacier for the Descent Glacier, and powers up/connects the Descent Glacier in the Shuttle middeck. Time Critical: S-band for MCC-H GO. GLACIER-STS- CONFIG Crew configures Glacier for descent including locking the front panel captive door locks and verifying the front door latch is in locked position. :10:30:10 GLACIER-HW-PWR Unattended activity to track ISS Glacier power and thermal resources with MTL as primary heat rejection. -95C (160W) GLACIER-AAA-PWR Unattended activity to track ISS Glacier power and thermal resources with AAA as primary heat rejection. GLACIER-DNLK-CMD Unattended PD commanding and data downlink. Approximately 1 hour of Ku- band AOS is required for each two hours. Intermittent coverage is acceptable. For Glacier swap, payload reconfiguration is required prior/post transfer. 1 day 2:0012:002:00 01/09/09 Crew PD Commanding Unattended Activities Time Critical 48 hr Additional Activities DCB Pack ISS Activities ~1-2 hrs MDDK-STAT- CHECK Crew checks the status of Glacier after swap. :10 Glacier Flight 15A Dome Gene Return (TBD - In Work)