What underlying principles are the US Constitution based on?
Principles of the Constitution Foldable Directions: You will create a foldable that explains six principles reflected in the U.S. Constitution. Principles of Constitution are listed on page 65 in your text. Required Elements: 1)Properly Folded Project. The teacher will show you how the foldable is to be formatted. 2)Six Principles. You will define six principles reflected in the Constitution. In your own words not just copied from the text. 3)Example – an example in life or our government of that principle. 4)Drawings. You will include a hand-drawn and colored item that represents some aspect of each principle of the Constitution. Must show effort!!!!!!
Principles of the Constitution Popular Sovereignty Federalism Separation of Power Checks & balances udicial ReviewLimited Government Front: Cut this flap off X Principles of the Constitution Cut this flap off X Definition & Example Visual Definition & Example Visual Definition & Example Visual Definition & Example With folds open: