Prenatal Physical Development Milestones In Utero
Physical Developmental Milestones According to Gerber (2015), “Makes coordinated sucking Movements” (as quoted in Gerber, 2015). In Utero your baby will learn many things. A visible movement you will be able to see through a sonogram is that your child is sucking his or her thumb. With the 3D and 4D imaging from a sonogram, you will be able to see many things that your baby may be doing in your belly. Through technology a lot of your babies changes including growth, the actual things he is doing as he gets older in the womb. According to Gerber (2015), “swallows amniotic fluid, which may introduce her to flavors from mom’s diet” )as quoted in Gerber, 2015).
Cognitive Developmental Milestones According to Gerber (2015), The baby will “explore her own hands and face through touch”.You will notice your baby moving through this experimental time. During the exploration of body parts your baby is learning his own body parts and getting use to how it feels through sensory. This will help the baby once he or she is born to be able to me familiar with their own body parts and gravitate towards it’s arms, legs and face, I.e. The baby will be able to touch and feel without it feeling foreign. According to Kenwood (2013),“Research indicates that a variety of stimulation while babies are in the womb is the start to building and promoting cognitive development” para.1. Your baby will start to notice different sounds, so this would be a great time to introduce your baby to different types of music as well as reading and singing to your baby. Kenwood, (2013) noted that “ A recent study shows that unborn babies are listening to their mothers talk during the last 10 weeks of pregnancy; and at birth, they can demonstrate what they’ve heard” (as cited in “Babies Learn”, 2013, p. 15). It is important to notice the tone in your voice when speaking or reading to your baby. Your baby in your belly will be able to hear when your angry or happy.
Mom doing Yoga Exercise and eating healthy is truly beneficial for your babies development
Atypical Development Amitrano,(2015) writes that, “In cerebral palsy, genetic mutations and deletions cause the abnormal brain development in the fetus. The baby's brain does a poor job coordinating movement--cerebral palsy is not caused by problems with muscles themselves”. (as quoted in Amitrano, [Livestrong] 2015). This is atypical development, which is not normal for a baby to be born with cerebral palsy. Many children can still function depending on the severity of the condition. Most individuals that are born with CP have limited functions and may need assistance everyday of their life. This development will cause one to not be in control of their body movement and bodily functions. Having CP is atypical development.
Strategy to influence your child’s learning The best strategy would be to talk, sing, play music, read, and exercise while your baby is still in Utero. This will help with the baby’s development and he or she will be born information that he or she remembers while in the womb listening to their mother, father, or any caregiver for that matter. Be consistent on a daily basis when helping your baby in utero to learn about sounds, wither it be music, you reading to your child, or singing.
Reference Kenwood, E, (2013). Smart Baby News, Make Baby Smarter in the Womb. Retrieved from Gerber, (2015). How your baby develops. Retrieved from Amitrano, C, (2013). Livestrong, Abnormal Brain Growth in Babies. Retrieved from