azM Radiologie Jan T. Wilmink, neuroradiologist MRI Centre The Netherlands MR myelography in patients with radicular pain: diagnostic value and technique
azM Radiologie Problem: clinical relevance of MRI findings
azM Radiologie 98 asymptomatic, 27 symptomatic subjects
azM Radiologie L4-L5: protrusion L5-S1 extrusion
azM Radiologie protruded discs are frequently asymptomatic extruded discs usually cause symptoms (???) So:
azM Radiologie rating scales assessing only disk displacement fail to take into account size of spinal canal Problem:
azM Radiologie L5-S1 extrusion S1 root
azM Radiologie So: let’s think root: myelography radiculography caudography
azM Radiologie X-ray myelogram T2W MR myelogram
azM Radiologie Sequence for T2 FSE MR myelography - heavy T2 weighting TR/TE 6000/450 - slice thickness 4mm, overcontiguous - echo train length 65 - FOV small: 150mm - MIP postprocessing to produce virtual image of dural sac - long acquisition time 6:30mins per projection
azM Radiologie Rapid acquisition by single shot imaging
azM Radiologie single shot 1.5secmultishot 6:30min
azM Radiologie multishotsingle shot
azM Radiologie multishot 6:30min single shot x sec
azM Radiologie Single-shot single-slice T2 FSE MR myelography with multiple excitations - heavy T2 weighting TR/TE 6500/1270, 10 excitations - single slice, thickness 30mm, oblique x2, no MIP needed - echo train length scan matrix 256, reconstruction matrix scan percentage 75 - FOV 150mm, rectangular 75% - acquisition time 32.5sec per projection, total 65sec
azM Radiologie 1. Patient with left sciatica Illustrative cases
azM Radiologie T1W SE sagittal midsagittalleft lateral
azM Radiologie T1W axial, L4-L5 upper disc levellower disc level herniation, no root compressionherniation, root compression??
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azM Radiologie L5 root compressed normal S1 root and root sleeve
azM Radiologie 2. Patient with backache irradiating to left buttock Illustrative cases
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azM Radiologie root compression?? !!
azM Radiologie 3. Patient with backache and some irradiation to both legs Illustrative cases
azM Radiologie ? left L5-S1 extrusion, S1 root compression?
azM Radiologie S1 root somewhat displaced, not compressed
azM Radiologie
azM Radiologie in 43 patients MR myelography reduces diagnostic uncertainty from 19 cases to 6 cases
azM Radiologie Conclusions - MR myelography (MRM)is valuable add-on but cannot replace standard MR examination - MRM is useful in cases when disc lesion is seen but effect on root is uncertain (compressed or not) - MRM findings must always be matched against standard MR images and clinical presentation - with acquisition time of only 1-2 mins, the MRM sequence should be included in standard spinal study
azM Radiologie