Helpful Graduation Tips The graduates' guide to a successful graduation day
Parking Try to arrive at least hour early for graduation Be familiar with designated parking areas Check UM commencement website for parking info in advance Carpooling is highly recommended Shuttles are available for guests with special needs Call for assistance.
Convocation Details Accountancy — Lamar (Old Law School) Applied Sciences — Farley Hall Bachelor of General Studies (BGS) — Natural Products Center/Thad Cochran Research Center Business — Union Plaza Doctoral Candidates — Faser Hall Education — Natural Products Center/Thad Cochran Research Center Engineering — Lamar (Old Law School) Journalism — Farley Hal Law — E. F. Yerby Center Liberal Arts — Ventress Hall Pharmacy — E. F. Yerby Center The processional starts promptly at 9:00. Report to your Academic School’s designated location by 8:30 a.m. Check UM commencement website for the school map
Attire Advice Wear shoes that are comfortable and easy to maneuver in Secure your cap with pins Wear attire with pockets (to carry keys, phone & camera) Leave wallet or purse inside of the car or with your parents Check the weather so you can dress and prepare accordingly Wear something sleek ( so your clothes will wear comfortably under the robe)
Suggestion Be sure to visit the restroom BEFORE coming to the Manning Center if at all possible and tell your guests to do the same. The lines can become long outside the facilities. Buildings open for Restrooms: Lyceum Coulter Hall Faser HallBrevard Hall Carrier HallHume Hall Student UnionFarley Hall Shoemaker Hall Track Concession: Building (near Manning Center)
Tassel Undergrad students’ tassels should correspond to the students’ area of study Undergrad tassels are worn on the right initially. Change them to the left after walking across the stage to receive your diploma cover (or you will be prompted when to change your tassel) Graduate students wear yours to the left throughout See commencement website for the list of tassel colors
Things To Remember Make sure you have your name card/reader card with you Write your address on the BACK of your name/reader card so the photographer can send your proofs electronically. Reader cards are distributed at ceremony venues/facilities Carry your name/reader card with you when it’s your turn to walk across the stage. It’s the only way anyone will know who you are…..graduate’s names are NOT read from a list. Don’t forget to return your cap and gown There will be a covered truck for depositing your caps and gowns as you exit the ceremony facility
Congratulations We wish the best in all of your future endeavors For more information, visit