2 Jordyn Green, Data Analyst (360) Customer Support (360) / LAP Office (360)
5 Student List – Functionality Business Rules for Pre-Population: A district and school enrollment record (regardless of primary flag); AND A grade level of K1/K2 through 12; AND A program record for any of the following: 37 - LAP English Language Arts 6 - LAP Math 7 - LAP K-2 Academic Readiness 38 - LAP Behavior A student will have a record for each program code reported and for each enrollment segment. Students will only appear on the student list if they are enrolled in LAP for a minimum of 14 consecutive days (including weekends and holidays). Academic and growth data will not be required for students enrolled in LAP Graduation Assistance or LAP Readiness to Learn.
6 Student List – Functionality Select your school
7 Student List – Functionality Select program
8 Student List – Functionality Filter by grade level
9 Student List – Functionality To include additional filters, select
10 Student List – Functionality
11 Student List – Functionality Add a filter by gender
12 Student List – Functionality Add a filter by race
13 Student List – Functionality Add a filter by attribute or program
14 Student List – Functionality Add a filter by teacher
15 Student List – Functionality To restore the original filter options, press
16 Student List – Functionality After selecting, the Student List will load based on the desired specifications.
17 Student List – Data Entry After selecting, the Student List will load based on the desired specifications.
18 Student List – Data Entry After selecting, the Student List will load based on the desired specifications.
19 Student List – Data Entry Users can sort each column by selecting the column header. To remove the sort, select the column 3 times.
20 Student List – Data Entry Users can mass select by checking the box on the column header or select multiple students at once by checking the box on the left side of the record.
Helpful Hints - Filters The combination of the filter and mass assign functionalities allow users to refine the list of students and assign common values to groups of students. By Program? By Grade Level? By Teacher? 21
22 Student List – Data Entry After selecting the applicable students, selectto enter data.
23 Student List – Data Entry After selecting the applicable students, selectto enter data.
24 Student List – Data Entry
25 Student List – Data Entry
26 Student List – Data Entry
27 Student List – Data Entry If N/A is selected, the user does not need to provide the following fields: Beginning Score Date of Beginning Score End Score Date of End Score Met Learning Goal
28 Student List – Data Entry
29 Student List – Data Entry
30 Student List – Data Entry
31 Student List – Data Entry
32 Student List – Data Entry
33 Student List – Data Entry
34 Student List – Data Entry
35 Student List – Data Entry
36 Student List – Data Entry To save the changes to the selected students, press.
37 Student List – Data Entry
38 Student List – Data Entry
39 Jordyn Green, Data Analyst (360) Customer Support (360) / LAP Office (360)