1 GEO Task US-09-01a XX SBA SBA: XX Analyst: Name, Organization Current Status of Report: (e.g., Final, awaiting AG or L. Friedl Input, Preparing Draft, etc.) Date Final Report will be completed (if not already):
Sub-Areas Analyzed List sub-areas chosen for analysis: 2
Prioritization Methodology Describe methodology used to prioritize parameters, both within sub-areas (if applicable) and in Chapter 5 (overall): 3
Analyst Feedback on Methodology List pro’s and con’s of prioritization methodology. Is the prioritization methodology broadly applicable (e.g., for other SBAs or the cross-SBA analysis), or specific to your SBA? Would you recommend this methodology for other US reports in the future? (either as is, or in a modified form?) 4
Priorities Identified Number of priority parameters identified: List parameters from Chapter 5, and note whether they are in priority order, no order, tiered lists, etc. (use 2 nd slide as needed): 5
Interpretation of Results Note any “themes” that emerged, surprising or expected conclusions, considerations for incorporating results into Cross- SBA Analysis. 6
Limitations/ Caveats Additional notes about interpretation of priority results – i.e., inherent biases, gaps, overlaps with other SBA reports, etc. 7