Workshop on Passenger Mobility Conclusions
EU data requirements – DG MOVE Environmental, economic and social considerations require close monitoring of passenger mobility with comparable indicators and methods. EU White Paper on transport sets quantitative targets on passenger mobility that require harmonized data. Comparable statistics on urban and medium distance mobility by type of transport are required. There is a need for more harmonized travel surveys for meeting current statistical challenges and make them useful also at European and international level
National Travel Surveys United Kingdom Continuous NTS addressing 15 thousand households, since 1965, lowers set-up costs and increases quality of data. Covers households, individuals, vehicles and travelling information. Results are used for economic modeling, policy assessment, mobility indicators, planning at regional level and by associations and businesses. GPS pilot survey showed the current limitations of the technology despite reduced cost and respondents' burden.
National Travel Surveys Germany Two complementary surveys optimise costs and results: MiD (NTS), sample size (households), every 6-8 years MOP (panel), 1000 sample size (households), annual The survey process, content and approach, comparative merits and limitations, methodological challenges as well as the uses of the two surveys were presented. The importance of high quality transport information for planning and forecasting was highlighted.
National Travel Surveys The Netherlands OViN: National (32.100) and regional (10.000) samples, Covers daily travel pattern over a year, since High levels of participation of practically all age groups. Dynamic content, adapted in 2010, leading to break in series. The increasing use of smartphones as additional means of data gathering requires further development to improve quality of results.
National Travel Surveys Sweden Telephone interviews survey (approx.: 20 min.) covering individuals and households Stable content since the mid-1990s. Increasing quality issues: increasing non-response rate and uncertainty of distance travelled. The use of a travel planning service data from the web and later a smartphone/GPS is planned to reduce non- response improve accuracy of distance travelled by public transport.
EU projects related to travel surveys SHANTI 100 researchers from 22 countries participated. Results provide an inventory of NTS across Europe, covering both methods and results. Contains a comparative study of methods and approaches with recommendations for future work. Highlights the diversity of methods used, data gaps and challenges, but also the need for using different approached to meet stakeholders need. A method for post-harmonisation was developed for improving comparability of indicators.
EU projects related to travel surveys Optimism Objectives: to analyse current NTS and data needs and propose ways of bringing closer statistical data and scientific methods on travel behavior. Examined potential matching the content of NTS with the EU data needs, analysing a wide range of variables (demographic info, stock of equipment, infrastructure, etc.). Reviewed the use and relative merits of both automated and non-automated data collection methods Produced an initial list of variables to be used as starting point. Positive message: a common methodological framework can be developed without changing current practices significantly
International activities related to travel surveys UNECE/ITF/Eurostat Common questionnaire with low response rate provides a few of the required variables. Eurostat non-harmonised data collection project: low availability and comparability of results. International initiatives and workshops provide platforms for sharing experience and identifying data needs. Urban mobility is in the center of passenger transport debate.
NTS are an indispensable source of detailed information for modeling, planning and policy making at regional, national and international level. Significant resources are already attributed to travel surveys at national level on a regular basis. Current practices diverge as they are designed to meet the national stakeholders needs. There is room for more optimal use of resources, making results to some extent comparable also at European and international level. Large survey samples lead to high costs, the use new technologies however will in future reduce such costs. Today countries mostly rely on traditional survey methods High non-response is a common issue An EU support for EU long distance survey would be useful. Workshop conclusions