Chapter 14 Digestive gland
---small gland: fundis gland, small intestinal gland ---large gland: salivary gland, pancreas, liver
1. Salivary gland
1) General structure of exocrine gland ---Capsule: CT, which separate the parenchyma into lobules ---lobule:
① acinus: a. serous acinus: structure: pyramidal or cuboidal round basally-located N apical: zymogen granule-acidophilic basal: basophilic-RER, ribosome function: secret salivary amylase (淀粉酶)
b. mucous acinus: structure: pale-stained, slight-blue, flattened N against the basal membrane mucinogen granule Golgi, RER, mitochondria
c. mixed acinus: several serous cell attached to mucous acinus – serous demilune
② duct: a.intercalated duct: simple squamous epi. simple cuboidal epi. connect with acinus
b. striated duct (secretory duct): intralobule simple columnar epi. : tall cell, acidophilic round N, located at apical part longitudinal striation: plasma membrane infolding
c. interlobular duct and major duct : simple columnar epi. or pseudostratified ciliated columnar epi.
2) structural feature of each salivary gland a. parotid gland: -serous -long intercalated duct, short striated duct
b. submandibular gland: -mixed( mainly serous, less mucous and mixed) -short intercalated duct, long striated duct
c. sublingual gland: -mixed(mainly mucous, more serous and mixed) -more demilunes, no intercalated duct, under-developed striated duct
胰腺 - 图 2. Pancreas
---capsule: CT, septa ---parenchyma: /exocrine pancreas /endocrine pancreas
1)exocrine pancreas ---acinus: serous
centroacinar cell: small, pale cell with round or ovoid N, derived from epithelial cell of intercalated duct
---duct: long intercalated duct ---function: secret pancreatic liquid 1-2L/D, PH Digestive enzymes: trypsinogen (胰蛋白 酶原), amylase (淀粉酶),lipase (脂酶) and chymotrypsinogen (糜蛋白酶原),
2) endocrine pancreas( pancreas islet) , constitute about 1% of total pancreas volume um ---HE: cells arranged into cord with CT rich in fenestrated cap.
a. A cell: 20%. Large polygonal in shaped, peripheral- distributed EM: secretory G: large, nm, round with dense core function: secret glucogon (高血糖素) - 29 amino acid residues protein ↓ glycogen→ glucose
A cell
b. B cell: 75%, small, centrally-distributed EM: secretory G: different diameter, nm with one or several dense core function: secret insulin - 51 amino-acid residues
B cell
c. D cell: 5%, ovoid, fusiform, peripheral-distributed, between A, B cells EM: -gap junction with A,B cell -secretory G: large, nm, low- density core function: secrete somatostatin (生长抑素) to inhibit the secreting of A, B, PP cell
d. PP cell: EM: secrete granule: small, nm function: secrete pancreatic polypeptide (胰多肽) to inhibit the secreting of pancreatic liquid, movement of viscera and contraction of gall bladder
e. D 1 cell: 2-5%, peripheral, irregular EM: small, nm, function: secrete VIP (vasoactive intestinal peptide ,血管活性肠肽 ) f. C cell: undifferentiated cell
肝-图肝-图肝-图肝-图 3. Liver
---largest, 2% of body weight ---capsule: DCT, insert into parenchyma to separate the parenchyma into hepatic lobule ---hepatic lobule ---portal area
1) hepatic lobule: basic structural unit , , 000 , mm long, 1 mm in across D ---polygonal (irregular) ---structure: central vein hepatic plate: radiating arranged hepatic sinusoid
① Central vein: small vein: endothelium + CT 45 um receive the blood from sinusoids
② Hepatic plates ---formed by single layer of hepatocytes
a. hepatocyte: LM: polygonal, um eosinophilic N: -large, pale, round, centrally- located -1/4 binucleate
EM: mitochondria: , 20% total volume RER: involve in the synthesis of albumin, fibrinogen, clotting factor, lipoprotein and complement protein SER: contain enzymes- oxidoreductase 氧化还原 酶 (oxidase, reductase), hydrolase, transterase, synthetase, involve in the formation of bile and the metabolism of adipose, glucose and hormones
Golgi apparatus: involve in -formation of bile -process, condense and storage of proteins -formation of lysosome Lysosome: involve in phagocytosis activity and metabolism of bilirubin (胆红素) microbody: -round, um -contain catalase (过氧化氢酶) and peroxidase (过氧化物酶) inclusions: glycogen, lipid droplet, pigment
b. bile canaliculus: ---cell membrane of adjacent hepatocytes depress to form a tubular system between hepatocytes
---structure: silver preparation: dark-brown colored network 0.5-1um Microvilli tight junction, desmosome
③ Hepatic sinusoid ---space between hepatic plates ---structure:
9-12 um endothelial cell: fenestrated, gap, plasmalemmal vesicles -liver macrophage (Kupffer cell) -large granular lymphocyte: NK cell
Perisinusoidal space: Disse space - narrow space between endothelial cell and hepatocytes 0.4 um width; blood plasma microvilli; RF fat-storing cell:
-irregular, with processes -EM: large lipid droplets, RER, mito, Golgi -function: storage of vitamin A(E,K), synthesis of collagen
The three kinds of different surfaces of hepatocytes ---face adjacent cell each other: 55% ---face the sinusoids: 35% ---form bile canaliculus: 10%
2) portal area ---areas(triangle-shaped or irregular-shaped) where adjacent hepatic lobules meet ---contains CT and several ducts
a. interlobular arteries: branches of hepatic A small A: endothelium layers of SM b. interlobular vein: branches of portal vein small vein: endothelium + less CT and single SM c. interlobular bile duct: simple cuboidal or low columnar epi.
3) Blood circulation of liver hepatic A →interlobular A →terminal hepatic arteriole portal V→interlobular V→terminal portal venule → hepatic sinusoid →central vein→sublobular V →hepatic V→inferior vena cava 4) Passage of bile {
Blood circulation of liver 中央 V 小叶下 V 肝V肝V 血窦 终末门微 V 小叶间 V 门V门V 终末肝微 A 肝A肝A 小叶间 A
4) Passage of bile 肝细胞 胆小管 闰管 小叶间胆管 左右肝管 肝总管 胆囊管 胆囊 或 经胆总管到十二指肠