Population distribution, density, and data
Before we begin… MDC: More developed country LDC: Less developed country What makes a country developed? – Education, health care, government, safety Name some countries that would be MDCs and name some LDCs
Arithmetic Density Most often used Total number of objects in an area People per square mile or kilometer Why is it important to talk about population density rather than just population?
1 million people
Physiological Density The number of people supported by a unit area of arable land – What do we mean by unit area? – What does arable land mean? This is more about food and the land’s ability to support a population
Agricultural Density The ratio of the number of farmers to the amount of arable land Why would we use agricultural density rather than physiological density?
What are the pros and cons of each type of density measurement? Choose three countries and quickly analyze their population density data: Look at all the information you have and tell me what we can learn.
Population Where are the people?
Demography The scientific study of population characteristics – Death rate – Birth rate – Infant Mortality rate – Age – Where are the people?
Where are the population clusters?
Ecumene – The portion of the Earth’s surface occupied by permanent human settlements What would make a place uninhabitable?
World Population Changes What causes a population to grow or shrink? CBR: Crude Birth Rate – The total number of live births in a year for every 1000 people in a society CDR: Crude Death Rate – The total number of deaths in a year for every 1,000 people alive in the society NIR: Natural Increase Rate – The percentage by which a population grows in a year. – CBR-CDR=NIR (converted into a percent) – Natural – excludes migration *Crude = society as a whole rather than looking at individual regions or population groups
Fertility TFR: Total Fertility Rate – The average number of children a woman will have through her childbearing years – Another way of measuring the number of births (besides CBR) – TFR in some ways predicts the future, unlike CBR which just gives us data from the year
Mortality IMR: Infant Mortality Rate – The annual number of deaths of infants under 1 year of age, compared with total live births Life expectancy at birth – The average number of years a newborn infant can expect to live at current mortality levels
For example… Population: 2,000 Deaths:85 What is the CDR? Population: 39,128,000 Births: 10,000 What is the CBR?