Productive Maintenance
Appalachian State University - Sustainability 1 *Outside of the Living Learning Center sits The Edible Schoolyard which is a community space where students, faculty and staff can maintain a garden plot to learn proper gardening practices. At this garden space, healthy farming and gardening principles are shared resulting in an understanding of the need for productive maintenance of agricultural ecosystems in a long-term pursuit of self-sufficiency and permaculture.
Lean manufacturing - Overview 1 A non exhaustive list of such tools would include: Single-Minute Exchange of Die|SMED, Value Stream Mapping, 5S (methodology)|Five S, Kanban (pull systems), poka-yoke (error-proofing), Total Productive Maintenance, elimination of time batching, mixed model processing, Rank Order Clustering, single point scheduling (production processes)|scheduling, redesigning working cells, multi-process handling and control charts (for checking mura).
Operations management - Configuration and Management 1 Seen more broadly JIT can include methods such as: product standardization and modularity, group technology, total productive maintenance, job enlargement, job enrichment, flat organization and vendor rating (JIT production is very sensitive to replenishment conditions).
TVS Motor Company - Awards 1 The effective implementation of Total productive maintenance|Total Productivity Maintenance practices won TVS Motor the TPM Excellence Award given by the Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance in
Total productive maintenance - Total productive maintenance 1 One of the main objectives of TPM is to increase the productivity of plant and equipment with a modest investment in maintenance Total quality management|Total Quality management (TQM) and Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) are considered as the key operational activities of the quality management system
Total productive maintenance - Definition of Total Productive Maintenance 1 Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is a system of maintaining and improving the integrity of production and quality systems through the machines, equipments, processes and employees that add business value to the organization (Prabhuswamy, Nagesh Ravikumar, 2013).
Total productive maintenance - Definition of Total Productive Maintenance 1 Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) focuses on keeping all equipment in top condition to avoid breakdowns and delays in the manufacturing process(Gubata, 2008).
Total productive maintenance - Difference between Total_quality_management|TQM TPM 1 Total quality management and total productive maintenance are often used interchangeably
Total productive maintenance - Sources 1 Prabhuswamy, M.S., Nagesh, P., Ravikumar, K.P., Statistical Analysis and Reliability Estimation of Total Productive Maintenance. The IUP Journal of Operations Management, Vol. 12 Issue 1, P7-20, 14p.
Downtime - Other usage 1 This term is used also in factories or industrial use. See total productive maintenance (TPM).
Kaikaku - Introduction 1 : E.g. the introduction of conventional methods Six Sigma or Total productive maintenance|TPM may be new to the company. The direct cost is relatively small
Norman Bodek - Later work and visits to Japan 1 He was one of the first to publish books and training materials on Single-Minute Exchange of Die|SMED, CEDAC, 2/cedac_harnessin.html Quality circle|Quality Control Circles, 5S (methodology)|5S, and the visual control|Visual Factory Total productive maintenance|Total Productive Maintenance, Value Stream Mapping, Kaizen and Kaizen Blitz, Cellular manufacturing|Cell Design, Poka-Yoke, Andon (manufacturing)|Andon, Hoshin Kanri, and Kanban
For More Information, Visit: m/the-productive- maintenance-toolkit.html m/the-productive- maintenance-toolkit.html The Art of Service