Embedded System Design Contest Keywords related to : Hardware: eg: LCD 16*2 IR sensor Software eg: python uIP Protocols eg: I2C CAN ThinkLABS 2009
Embedded System Design Contest Introduction This section should include a short summary of what the project is all about and some major distinctive aspects of the project (if any) ThinkLABS 2009
Embedded System Design Contest Purpose In this section, elaborate on the purpose of selecting this project. We would specifically like to hear on how this project is innovative and what sort of an existing gap is it filling e.g. eCOS is a POSIX compliant RTOS. There exist no POSIX compliant RTOSes for the AVR family. So, through this project we are trying to develop an eCOS port for ATMega128 of the AVR family. ThinkLABS 2009
Embedded System Design Contest Features List down the features of the application that you have developed. It should NOT list features of uNiBoard but of the application that you have developed. e.g. If you have built a camera for surveillance the features would be: 1. CIF resolution 2. 5fps 3. 2GB Flash (can store up to images) and so on… ThinkLABS 2009
Embedded System Design Contest High level design This should be a block diagrammatic representation of your system (for hardware) and a flowchart/algorithmic representation (for software) Functional modules for hardware and software should be listed here and the status of these modules at the time of submission of this report should be quantified In case you had planned something in the high level design that you were not able to practically achieve list it down along with the problems faced ThinkLABS 2009
Embedded System Design Contest Applications List down some immediate application areas of the project that you have developed Along with applications, also list down the kind of applications in which your project can be used as a reference design ThinkLABS 2009
Embedded System Design Contest Photo-Gallery (if required) This should primarily give us an indication of the user interface (if any)/usability of the product You can also include phase wise photographs of some hardware module that you have developed to showcase the making of the project In case you have written a software library for some peripheral, you might ignore this section or you might include snapshots of the software (Desktop software / Hyper-terminal) if it is showing some meaningful output like log of sensor data etc. ThinkLABS 2009
Embedded System Design Contest Videos Attach some videos showing the working of your project. Videos of software can be in the form of screen capture. ThinkLABS 2009
Embedded System Design Contest Source code Explain the hierarchy of the source code List down any third party code that you have used (RTOS, some open source stack) List down the coding standards (MISRA etc.) that you have followed (if any) ThinkLABS 2009
Embedded System Design Contest Apart from this presentation template your submission should have the following attachments: Source code (Zipped form) Videos (Zipped form) ThinkLABS 2009
Embedded System Design Contest References: Discussion forums: For any further queries send a mail to: ThinkLABS 2009