Interesting video of water.
10.5 NOTES Water is truly unique:
10.5 NOTES Water is truly unique: Covers 75% of the Earth’s surface in the form of water or ice. Essential to all life on Earth Chemical reactions in living things depend on it. Most plants and animals are 60% water by mass. Exists as all three phases of matter on Earth Helps control our climate by trapping heat for nighttime release Solid form is less dense than liquid form Living things below a frozen layer can exist. Transparent, odorless, colorless, tasteless High molar enthalpy of fusion and molar enthalpy of vaporization Water exhibits very strong hydrogen bonding.
10.5 NOTES p. 859 What do you notice?
10.5 NOTES Water molecules are closest together at about 4ºC, and then as the temperature drops, the molecules move further apart. SOLID LIQUID
TEST NOTES 28 multiple choice (3 points each) 4 short answer (4 points each) 1 extra credit (4 points)
TEST NOTES Ideal gas vs Real gas 3 types of intermolecular forces: Hydrogen - Dipole-dipole - London dispersion forces Kinetic molecular theory as it applies to gases, liquids, and solids Amorphous solid vs Crystalline solid Heating and cooling curve graphs Kinetic and potential energy changes Phase changes Solid – liquid – gas (Remember boiling is different than evaporating.)
TEST NOTES Allotropes Phase change diagram Energy changes during a change of state Heat of fusion (∆H f is amount of energy required to melt one mole of a substance) Heat of vaporization ( ∆ H v is amount of energy required to vaporize one mole) Energy changes as temperature rises without a change of state Specific heat Vapor pressure Equilibrium within a closed system Demonstrations of KMT of gases