Macbeth By William Shakespeare
About Macbeth Macbeth is one of Shakespeare’s most famous plays. It is speculated that Shakespeare wrote Macbeth between 1603 and Macbeth is a tragedy. It is Shakespeare’s shortest tragedy.
Who was Macbeth? Macbeth becomes king of Scotland, according to Shakespeare. Macbeth’s friend, Banquo, who was not king, was the ancestor of James I of England. Macbeth was a real person – he is not a fictional character.
The Three Witches Very similar to the three fates in Greek and Roman mythology Macbeth and his friend Banquo consult the witches throughout the play.
King Duncan of Scotland Duncan is king of Scotland when the story begins. He is murdered, and Macbeth succeeds him as the king. His two sons (Malcolm and Donalbain) flee to England and Ireland, respectively.
Banquo and the Line of Kings Macbeth’s friend, Banquo, is predicted by the witches to be the father of a line of kings. He has only one son, Fleance. Banquo is murdered, but his son, Fleance, escapes. Banquo is believed to be the ancestor of James I of England (James VI of Scotland).
Macduff A nobleman, the Thane of Fife, and friend to Duncan’s children. He is exiled to England based on a prediction by the Three Witches. He joins Duncan’s son, Malcolm, in England. Together they begin to raise an army.
Tragedy or Comedy (or maybe History)? Macbeth, though based on a historical character, is not a history; the story is fictional. It is not a comedy; not many spectators leave Macbeth smiling and laughing (if you do, you may be morbid)! It is a tragedy, plain and simple.
“The Scottish Play” There has been a lot of superstition surrounding the use of the name Macbeth while in a theater. This has led patrons to refer to it as “The Scottish Play.” The rumor is that Shakespeare used the spells of real witches in the play, and therefore real witches cursed the play.
“The Scottish Play” The belief is that to say the name of the play while viewing it will doom the production to failure. Some believe it will simply cause the play to be a failure. Others believe it may cause physical harm or death to a cast member during the production.
“The Scottish Play” Ironically enough, there have been several reports of accidents, misfortunes and even deaths that have taken place during Macbeth. But who believes in curses?
Macbeth in the Future Since it’s first production in ~1608, Macbeth has been performed many times (some tragically, pun intended). Several film versions of the famous play have been recorded as well – Starring Orson Wells as Macbeth 2006 – An Australian film with Macbeth set to a modern gang violence theme.