Marijuana Legalization Rakan Aldiab Arizona State University
Should Marijuana be legalized? people are split into two sides: the first are against Marijuana legalization, and the second are with Marijuana legalization The main concerns are: health problems, psychological problems, and societal problems.
The First Side They believe that marijuana is harmful and could cause health problems such as lung cancer. Also, they believe that the person who smokes it may become addicted then crazy. Also, marijuana legalization could lead to legalize other kinds of drugs as well as increase the crime percentage in community. The article “Health Effects of Marijuana Use” it says that marijuana a person who smokes marijuana might be infected mainly with chest illnesses.
The other Side They believe that Marijuana is harmless and its impacts remain temporarily in the body. Marijuana helps the body to relax and can be used as a medication to get over depression situations The legalization could boost the nation economy ”Shops across Colorado opened on time in January. Since then, crime is down, job growth is up, and robust sales have yielded more than $17 million in tax revenue for the state” (Altman, 2014).
Recommendation Finally, marijuana should remain illegal because of its hazards. Even though it may have some benefits, avoiding hazards is better way to have a comfortable life.
References Altman, A. (2014). The Pot Paradox. Time, 184(3), Health Effects of Marijuana Use. (2014). Congressional Digest, 93(8), Marijuana and the Controlled Substances Act. (2014). Congressional Digest, 93(8), 2-6.