Most commonly used illegal drug Psychoactive Drug 6.8% of high school students admit to using marijuana in the last month 69 Million Americans over the age of 12 have admitted to trying marijuana at least once in their lifetime
THC THC is the chemical compound that gives the marijuana user a high Can produce stimulant, hallucinogenic or depressant effects Psychoactive and Physiological effects
PHYSICAL EFFECTS OF MARIJUANA Impairs motor control Short term memory loss Visual Impairment Anxiety and Panic Reactions Lung Problems Weakens the Immune System
REACTION TIME Reaction time for motor skills, such as driving is reduced by 41% after smoking 1 joint and is reduced 63% after smoking 2 joints
DOPAMINE When using marijuana the level of dopamine is increased in the brain Increase the connection between the hunger signal center in the brain and the stimulation of taste. Appetite is increased Hedonic pleasure of food is increased Signals to the brain indicating being full are blocked/reduced.