Constitution- federalist document that guaranteed basic civil rights. Did not address the nations continuing social problems and needs, such as misdistribution of land, status of Indians, problems of education, and situations of poor people : Liberals were in control and tried to institute series of sweeping social and economical reforms, but their attack on the church led to violent reactions.
General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna came to power after attacks on church Caudillo, personalist, and autocratic leader Mexico’s instability was partially because of his rule Instability and financial difficulties made Mexico a target for foreign intervention
In 1845 the United States voted to annex Texas Mexico was forced to sign Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo in 1848 in which the U.S. acquired about half of Mexico’s territory The liberal revolt, called La Reforma, began in 1854 Laws integrated into a new constitution in 1857 Military and clerical privileges were curtailed Church property placed on sale and government forced the sale of these lands to individuals Goal was to create a nation of small independent farmers
In 1876, Porfirio Diaz suppressed regional rebellions and imposed a strong centralized government and industrialization began to take place. Growth often was brought at the expense of Mexico’s large rural peasantry and it’s growing urban and working classes. This population was essentially native, because unlike Argentina and Brazil, Mexico had received few immigrants. Strikes and labor unrest increased, particularly among railroad workers, miners, and textile workers. In 1910 however, frustrations of the poor, the workers, the peasants, the nationalist intellectuals of various political persuasions erupted in a bloody ten year civil war, the Mexican revolution.