Creating a Compelling Poster and Communicating Naomi L. C. Luban, MD Chief, Laboratory Medicine & Pathology Director, Transfusion Medicine/The Edward J. Miller Donor Center Vice Chair for Academic Affairs, Department of Pediatrics Professor, Pediatrics and Pathology, GWUMC
Biggest Mistakes Too much data Used poster board Too busy – too much data Cannot read from distance Forgot Logo Loss of focus
Getting Started Plan and “write” it out Layout design Think about fonts and colors
Plan Review the details provided Consider need for abstract and references Focus on the essential concepts Consider the audience Tell a story
Write Use short sentences and simple words Use headers and breaks Active voice and avoid pronouns Proofread, proofread, proofread Avoid jargon
Suggested Content (but confirm with the instructions) Title- Often in a header Authors- With/without degrees Institutional affiliations- All or some Abstract- Sometimes not needed Methods- Not too much detail Results- Graphics help Conclusion(s)- Use bullets Acknowledgement- Critical to include grant/concept support References- May be optional
Designing the Layout Information in visual format Graphs, Tables, Figures, Photos, X-rays Aim for 40% graphics, <20% white space Graphics should be self explanatory Label data lines within graph
Fonts Simple, bold and legible from 6 feet Suggestions Title96 in bold Author84 font Poster content32 or ? larger font
Color Too much is too distracting Unify content with color as border Remember fluorescent lighting intensifies colors
Know your Audience
Body Language and Projection Posture and energetic stance Eye contact Gestures
Environment Set up (tape? markers? pins? hammer?) Handouts Business cards Bottle of water
Communicating your Knowledge and Passion Facial expression Voice dynamics Avoid uh/um/like When faced with a problem in your data “manage” the question and the responses
Appearance Neat and well groomed Professional Comfort, especially shoes Fitting for venue ? Color coordinate?
Preparation Practice, prepare, practice Rehearse with someone who is not in your lab Prepare responses to questions before hand