Anthropological Examination Excavated remains cleaned in forensic lab Arranged in correct anatomical order
Race determination - Skull Race determinations Mongoloid Asian Native American Indian Caucasoid White Hispanic Negroid African American Characteristic 1 – Nasal Aperature 2 – Malars 3 – Orbits 4 – Prognathism 5 – Mandible 6 – Incisors
Mongoloid 1Rounded 2Wide/Project 3Squared 4Moderate 5Robust 6Shovel-shaped
Caucasoid 1Narrow/Elongated 2Recede 3Sloped/Rhomboid 4Reduced 5Medium 6Blade-shaped
Negroid 1Flared 2Recede/Reduced 3Rounded 4Extreme 5Gracile 6Blade-shaped
Age – Skull development 29 bones in the skull Initial fusion few weeks postnatal Continues through age 21 – 35 yrs Mathematical formulas for using sutures to determine age
Height determination – Long bones Rule of thumb – “Height roughly equals 5 times the length of the humerus.” Since it is only an estimate, always have height be a range Formulas 2.38 (femur length cm) = Stature +/- 3.27
Determine when Trauma took place Antemortem – before death Perimortem – around the time of death Postmortem – after death occurred
Perimortem trauma Lesions have no sign of healing
Postmortem trauma Intentional dismemberment Tool marks left on bone Unintentional dismemberment Animal tooth marks left on bone