Chordate classes
characteristics FishBird *Ectothermic * Lateral line *Two chambered heart * Gills used for respiration * No external ears * No eye lids *warm blooded (endothermic) *vertebrates (they have a *backbone and an internal skeleton) *breathe using lungs (not gills) *an outer covering of feathers - this feature is not shared with any other vertebrate group *reproduce by laying eggs
body systems FishBird As with all animals digestion in fish involves the breakdown of eaten food into its smaller component parts, amino acids, vitamins, fatty acids etc. which can then be used to build up new fish body. The breaking apart or breaking down of the eaten material is called anabolism, the building up of new material is called catabolism and these two together make up the whole of metabolism. The Digestive System consists chiefly of the Alimentary Canal and its glandular appendages, the former, beginning with the MOUTH, is successively made up of the OESOPHAGUS, the STOMACH, the small intestine or "ileum", and the large intestine or "rectum" (with the Caeca when present), which last opens into the Cloaca.
cardiovascular FishBird By circulating blood throughout the body, the cardiovascular system functions to supply the tissues with oxygen and nutrients, while removing carbon dioxide and other metabolic wastes. As oxygen- rich blood from the heart flows to the tissues of the body, oxygen and other chemicals move out of the blood and into the fluid surrounding the cells of the body's tissues. Birds have very efficient cardiovascular systems that permit them to meet the metabolic demands of flight (and running, swimming, or diving). The cardiovascular system not only delivers oxygen to body cells (and removes metabolic wastes) but also plays an important role in maintaining a bird's body temperature.The avian circulatory system consists of a heart plus vessels that transport: *nutrients *oxygen and carbon dioxide * waste products *hormones * heat
digestive FishBrid The digestive system, in a functional sense, starts at the mouth, with the teeth used to capture prey or collect plant foods. Mouth shape and tooth structure vary greatly in fishes, depending on the kind of food normally eaten. Most fishes are predacious, feeding on small invertebrates or other fishes and have simple conical teeth on the jaws, on at least some of the bones of the roof of the mouth, and on special gill arch structures just in front of the esophagus. The digestive system of birds is complex for the size of most birds. A small bird can eat up to twenty percent of its body weight daily. Birds have an extremely high metabolism so to keep up with the requirements bird must eat a large amount of food.
reproductive FishBird Fish can be divided into two broad categories on the basis of their breeding behavior. Egg-layers, which form the majority, practice external fertilization, while in live bearers the eggs are fertilized in the female's body and emerge fully formed young. Female birds also have an increase in the size of their reproductive organs. In birds, it's generally the left ovary that is active. The ovaries look very similar to a bunch of grapes. Each one of the circular ‘ grape-like ’ structures are called follicles that can be atretic or mature eggs. Inside each follicle is the ovum (germ cell), plus the yolk. An atrectic follicle is one that has started to develop but then aborted.
nervous FishBird The most anterior parts of a fish's brain are the olfactory bulbs. These are connected to the two lobes of the cerebrum by stalks. In fish the cerebrum is primarily involved with the sense of smell. It also seems to control behaviors such as taking care of the young and exploring the environment. The optic lobes process information from the eyes. The cerebellum coordinates body movements and the medulla controls internal organ functions and maintains balance. he central nervous system is made up of a brain, a spinal chord and nerves. The brain is situated inside the skull and connected to one end of the spinal chord which as its name suggests runs down