Welfare reform: the new landscape John Dickie Child Poverty Action Group in Scotland/Scottish Campaign on Welfare Reform Welfare to Work Scotland Convention 6/9/11
Introduction Key principles for welfare reform: the SCoWR manifesto Current welfare reforms – key concerns Challenges for Scotland
Background Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) in Scotland – aim to eradicate child poverty Scottish Campaign on Welfare Reform (SCoWR) –broad coalition concerned with direction of welfare reform and impact on poorest households
SCoWR Manifesto Based on experience of over 40 organisations and tens of thousands people they work with A vision for welfare that; –genuinely protects people from poverty –is based on human rights and treats people with dignity –is simplified, so that barriers to work are removed –provides the support people need to participate –takes into account devolved Scottish service provision
Current reforms - key concerns Welcome aims of simplifying, making moves into work easier and tackling poverty. However fundamental concerns Preceded and underpinned by massive cuts Fails to address inadequacy of benefit levels Focus on increasing conditionality – punitive Undermined by steep taper rates and a devolution of CTB at odds with single taper Inadequate support – no stat. entitlement to support, lack of childcare support and cuts to support with independent living Not taking account of realities of devolved service provision
Current reforms - key calls Ensure minimum income standards are taken into account when setting UC rates Rethink focus on conditions and sanctions Invest so that taper rates leave better off Rethink proposed times limits on contributory ESA Ensure level of childcare support adequate to enable parents to work Remove risk of sanction where service infrastructure not in place e.g. childcare
Challenges for Scotland Replacement of council tax benefit –need to ensure that support protected and further work disincentives avoided Replacement of discretionary social fund – need to protect eligibility and maintain support New criteria for passported benefits – need to maximise support and take up Need to ensure advice and information adequate so that households get the support entitled to and can make informed decisions
SCoWR To download SCoWR Manifesto go to cotland/SCOWR- Manifesto.pdf To join SCoWR contact ance.org