22 November 2010 The Vice-Chancellor Council
21/03/2016© The University of Sheffield Project 2012 External Factors 1.Browne Review 2.Comprehensive Spending Review 3.Proposals to increase tuition fees Project to consider the implications of the proposed funding regime and prepare for the new environment
Key aspects of Project 2012 Project co-ordinates what we do already The purpose is to enhance & lay out clearly the value of what we offer our students The output will be a statement of our proposition and our fees Project management structure established Communications to work within existing structures where possible The project is due to be completed by April /03/2016© The University of Sheffield
21/03/2016© The University of Sheffield Principles Be consultative Reflect values in our Mission, Vision and Identity Consider the needs of the whole University community Seek straightforward solutions Focus on informing prospective students and families of the value of a University of Sheffield degree Be informed by the best available research
Workstreams 6 parallel and integrated workstreams, each with a PVC and a Professional Service lead: Articulating the proposition Informing ourselves and understanding our competitive position Widening participation, diversity and the ‘Access Commitment’ Planning and modelling Student experience enhancement Dialogue and market testing with our ‘customers’ 21/03/2016© The University of Sheffield
To Discover And Understand.