…………………………………………………………………………………. Christophe Luguel, IAR Conference on "Regions as motors of new growth through smart specialisation", Brussels, 08 Novembre.


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Presentation transcript:

…………………………………………………………………………………. Christophe Luguel, IAR Conference on "Regions as motors of new growth through smart specialisation", Brussels, 08 Novembre 2013 Bio-economy and regional innovation strategies: the example of Picardie and Champagne- Ardenne (France) with the cluster Industries & Agro-Ressources (IAR)

………………………………………………………………………………………… Lab Pilot plant Industrial demonstration 230 members 50% SMEs 135 R&I projects Total R&I budget: 1.2 bn € bio-based value chains Biobased products Biobased feedstock Agriculture Markets biofuels, chemicals, materials, ingredients A world class cluster dedicated to Bio-based Economy Biobased Chemistry Industrial Biotech IAR: INDUSTRIES & AGRO-RESSOURCES

………………………………………………………………………………………… Lab Pilot plant Industrial demonstration Driven by agro-industries and farmers’ cooperatives National critical mass Covering the entire bio-based value chain bio-based value chains Biobased products Biobased feedstock Agriculture Markets biofuels, chemicals, materials, ingredients A world class cluster dedicated to Bio-based Economy Biobased Chemistry Industrial Biotech IAR: INDUSTRIES & AGRO-RESSOURCES

………………………………………………………………………………………… Picardie & Champagne-Ardenne Brussels Paris IAR: INDUSTRIES & AGRO-RESSOURCES Why in Champagne-Ardenne / Picardie? ITS AGRICULTURE 3 million ha of arable land Major producer of sugar beet, wheat, barley, rapeseed, proteaginous crops, potatoes, flax, hemp,... ITS AGRO-INDUSTRIES € 22.5 bn turnover (IAR’s agro- industries members) € 2.5 bn invested and 3500 jobs created in the last 5 years. ITS HISTORY 30 years of active policy in favor of Bioeconomy

………………………………………………………………………………………… years of active regional support to Bioeconomy A 30 year cluster initiativeLaon IAR: INDUSTRIES & AGRO-RESSOURCES

………………………………………………………………………………………… PLATEFORME ECOTOXICOLOGIQUE INERIS Verneuil en Halatte PLATEFORME ECOTOXICOLOGIQUE INERIS Verneuil en Halatte BIOTFUEL Compiègne BIOTFUEL Compiègne INRA ESTREE MONS Observatoire de l’environnement INRA ESTREE MONS Observatoire de l’environnement P.I.V.E.R.T. Compiègne P.I.V.E.R.T. Compiègne ESCOM COMPIEGNE FUTUROL PROCETHOL 2G Pomacle / Bazancourt FUTUROL PROCETHOL 2G Pomacle / Bazancourt CEBB Pomacle / Bazancourt CEBB Pomacle / Bazancourt B.R.I. Bazancourt B.R.I. Bazancourt PFMI IMPROVE AMIENS PFMI IMPROVE AMIENS SINFONI FRD Troyes SINFONI FRD Troyes CODEM AMIENS OSIRIS SOUFFLET Nogent sur Seine OSIRIS SOUFFLET Nogent sur Seine OZONIA IPLB Beauvais OZONIA IPLB Beauvais millions € investments 291 direct jobs created 193 planned millions € investments 291 direct jobs created 193 planned An innovative ecosystem to valorise biomass IAR: INDUSTRIES & AGRO-RESSOURCES

………………………………………………………………………………………… “Les Sohettes” is a good illustration of an integrated rural biorefinery IAR: INDUSTRIES & AGRO-RESSOURCES How to create new industrial structures through the bio-economy?

………………………………………………………………………………………… Succinic acid demo plant (3 kt/y) Bioethanol plants Sugar RefineryWheat Processing Mill OUTPUT Sucrose Glucose CO 2 Ethanol 1000 kt/y 70 kt/y 400 kt/y 500 kt/y 350 Mhl/y H2OH2O 150 kt/y 120 kt/y H 2 O, K kt/y 250 kt/y 700 kt/y How to create new industrial structures through the bio-economy? IAR: INDUSTRIES & AGRO-RESSOURCES

………………………………………………………………………………………… Les Sohettes: a model for future rural biorefineries © Champagne-Céréales How to create new industrial structures through the bio-economy? IAR: INDUSTRIES & AGRO-RESSOURCES

………………………………………………………………………………………… P.I.V.E.R.T. Oilseed Biorefinery of the Future B.R.I. Industrial Biotechnologies & carbohydrates valorisation Key actions to further enable the development of the bio-economy IMPROVE Plant Proteins : extraction, transformation & valorisation  Three open Innovation platforms to manage the innovation from field to markets IAR: INDUSTRIES & AGRO-RESSOURCES

………………………………………………………………………………………… Key actions to further enable the development of the bio-economy IAR: INDUSTRIES & AGRO-RESSOURCES Boost competitiveness through innovation Inform for better decisions Access to private funding (SME) Develop your networks and markets (SME) Accelerate the commercialization of biobased products Anticipate and prepare the jobs of the future IAR FORMATION

………………………………………………………………………………………… IAR: INDUSTRIES & AGRO-RESSOURCES France unveils €3.5 billion plan for 34 key industrial sectors (12 sep 2013) « Green chemistry and biofuels » Innovation 2030: 7 high ambitions for an innovative France (11 oct 2013) “Vegetable proteins and plant based chemistry “ How to link up and develop synergies between RIS3 and the national/regional initiatives and plans on bioeconomy?

………………………………………………………………………………………… How to link up and develop synergies between RIS3 and the european initiatives and plans on bioeconomy? IAR: INDUSTRIES & AGRO-RESSOURCES Bio-Based Industries Initiative IAR is a founding partner of the Board member, representing the SME interests within BIC

………………………………………………………………………………………… Thank you for your attention Your Gateway to the French Bioeconomy IAR: INDUSTRIES & AGRO-RESSOURCES