Tuesday, May 5 Milestones Section Teacher Schedule Period Time / LabLunch 3HEFNER BLUE1 ST /2 ND 8:25-10:05 3 RD FLOOR 4WATERS ORANGE1 ST /2 ND 8:25-10:05 2 ND FLOOR 5BENTLEY ORANGE3 RD /4 TH 10:10-11:50 3 RD FLOOR 5PARKER ORANGE3 RD /4 TH 10:10-11:50 MEDIA LAB 3ZACHRY BLUE5 TH /6 TH 12:00-1:40 3 RD FLOORA 5ZACHRY ORANGE5 TH /6 TH 12:00-1:40 2 ND FLOORA 6PARKER ORANGE5 TH /6 TH 12:00-1:40 MEDIA LABA
AP EXAMS May If you are taking an A.M. exam, we ask that you are outside of the exam room by 7:45 a.m. and 11:45 a.m. for the 12:00 noon exam. -Students should bring a student or state ID, their own No.2 pencils and pens to write with. We will only have a limited supply. Especially on the World History day. -Students should leave their cellphones and other electronics in their locker. - Students will eat lunch either the period before or after testing, B or C lunch for 8:00 a.m. exams, and 11:00 a.m. lunch time for the students testing at 12:00 noon.
PLEASE READ May Students will NOT be able to use their lockers during testing on the hallways AP exams are being administered. -Students will NOT be able to utilize the stairwells on or near AP exams rooms. -When testing in room 226, students WILL be able to go to their classes on that wing, however, they will NOT be able to utilize their lockers during AP testing. -When testing on the 3rd floor, only half of the floor will be used, rooms Students will NOT be able to utilize their lockers on the entire 3rd floor. Students WILL be able to go to their classes on the opposite end of the hall, rooms , however, they will NOT be able to utilize the stairwells near rooms 308, 313 and When testing on the 1st floor, students will NOT be able to utilize the stairwell near room When testing on the 2nd floor, students will NOT be able to utilize the stairwell near room 219.
ROOM RELOCATIONS TUESDAY MAY 5 TEACHER & ROOM 1 st 3 rd 5 th ILT7 th Waters JC Parker P132 Atkins
ROOM RELOCATIONS WEDNESDAY MAY 6 TEACHER & ROOM 2 nd 4 th 6 th ILT7 th McConnell Carver Forgie Schmitz - 127XX Bentley Trahan P204
The ART CLUB and NAHS meeting is Canceled Tues. for May 5 th. and rescheduled for Tues. May12th. Seniors please pay for your cords this week. NAHS cords will be available and NAHS Pins will be also be distributed
Company name Thank you Student Council and students for the flowers you donated to the school!
2014 – 2015 Japanese Club Meeting Our Last One! May 8, Friday Rm :30 – 4:15
Congratulations to the Boys and Girls Soccer teams who both advance to the second round of the playoffs. They both beat Lakeside-Evans teams 3-0. The Girls play Loganville on May 5th, 6:00, at Kinnett Stadium. The boys will Dalton away on Wed. May 6th at 5:30.
Be sure to fill out a FINAL TRANSCRIPT request form in your Humanities class! The Guidance Office requires this form so that we know where to send your final transcript. All colleges require a final transcript!
The netbooks are being used every block and we are doing our best to keep up with the requests. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Three things: Students are coming without either their ID card or a temporary. They will be sent back without a netbook until we have ID. Students are not shutting down the netbooks. This is causing a delay in checkout for the next class. Please have students shut down, not log out. Students should not stack netbooks when they are returned. We had a netbook screen cracked because of the weight of one student retuning 9 netbooks. If you wish to combine returns, NO MORE THAN 4, please....and now, a message from the Media Center...
Let’s Dance!!! Interested in becoming a member of the Columbus High School Dance Team? There will be an informational meeting for interested dancers and parents on Tuesday, May 26 th at 6 pm at Columbus High School in Room 209. TRYOUTS: Saturday, May 30 th at 9 am (CHS gym) See Mrs. Bynam (Rm. 209) or Mrs. Jenkins (Rm. 203) if you have questions or concerns. You may also call (706) or
Seasonal part-time positions for the outdoor pools are: Concessionaire Lifeguard Aquatic Laborer Pool Manager Please visit the Columbus Consolidated Government website and access career opportunities to submit an application. Applications must be completed in order to be considered for any position. If submitting a resume, it should be electronically attached to the application and will not be accepted if submitted separately.
Access to My Big Campus will be discontinued on June 5, Please back up and save any content you plan to keep from My Big Campus to another location or storage device. Access to My Big Campus will be discontinued on June 5, Please back up and save any content you plan to keep from My Big Campus to another location or storage device.
Reminder…Seniors Each year an estimate of scholarship earnings is calculated for the Senior Class. Please bring a copy of ANY scholarship offers to Mrs. Strunk. You do NOT have to accept the scholarship in order for the amount to be counted for the class!
ACADEMY DAY 2015 Sat., May Dobbins AFB Students interested in a military academy appointment are encouraged to attend! Senators Isakson and Perdue & members of Georgia’s Congressional Delegation are sponsors! REGISTRATION REQUIRED BY MAY 9, 2015 at 5 p.m.! Mar. 3 – May 8http://Isakson.senate.gov
Sweet Frog EVERY Tuesday in the courtyard at 3:30!
DO YOU LIKE DONUTS? If YOU answered YES there is great news… Every WEDNESDAY MORNING BEFORE SCHOOL JCL will be sponsoring a Donut sale where the portables were! Golden Donuts are 2 FOR A $1! Come out and YOUR SCHOOL!!!!
Moe's nights benefit the CHS PTSA. They will be on the first Tuesday of each month. The location is 5555 Whittlesey Blvd., Columbus, GA Students and parents just need to say they are with CHS, and we will receive 20% of the sales. Moe's Nights
FCA Fellowship of Christian Athletes When: Every Friday Where: Gym Time: 7:45-8:10am Join us for fellowship and food Run every week