MOVING SYSTEM By Max W, Zander S, Sarah R, Evelyn L, and Tommy L.
Our plan We started with a paper towel roll (empty) and taped two bottoms of Rita’s cups to the ends of the paper towel roll. After we tried to roll it we decided to put two Rita’s cups to the ends of the covered roll because the tape was making it go slower. And when we did that it went faster.
One important thing we changed about our moving system was we made a latch for the pennies to go in. We also removed a lot of tape for less weight. Improvements we Made
We pushed it to have a force witch was thrust. We also had friction, and we also had gravity because it kept it on the ground Forces of Motion
Lift, and Drag were the only ones that didn’t cooperate. These forces resisted against our moving system because-drag: the floor was dragging because it had friction-lift: when we threw the moving system lifts impact on the ground slowed it down. Resisting Forces