WHAT WE HAVE SEEN 1.Illumination: God’s light has broken into the world in Jesus. 2.Declaration: Jesus is declared to be God’s light in baptism. 3.Celebration: The arrival of the light is celebrated as in a wedding feast. So is that it? Happily ever after?
CLEANSING THE TEMPLE John 2:13-17 This is the first conflict that Jesus encounters in John. This is the first conflict that Jesus encounters in John. What happens when the Light of God enters the House of God? What happens when Messiah enters the Temple? What happens when the Light of God enters the House of God? What happens when Messiah enters the Temple? No Hallelujahs or shouts of praise. No Hallelujahs or shouts of praise. Rebuke: “Take those things away; do not make my Father’s house a house of trade.” Rebuke: “Take those things away; do not make my Father’s house a house of trade.”
PREPARED TO BE PERSECUTED Matthew 5:10-11 When we read this teaching combined with John’s story, we get a clear message. When we read this teaching combined with John’s story, we get a clear message. Not everyone is happy that the light has entered the world. Not everyone is happy that the light has entered the world. The reaction of darkness against light is often violent. The reaction of darkness against light is often violent.
DARKNESS HATES LIGHT John 3:16-21 v. 16, God has acted in love. v. 16, God has acted in love. v , God did not act in order to condemn. v , God did not act in order to condemn. v. 19, However, the mere existence of God’s Light casts judgment on darkness. v. 19, However, the mere existence of God’s Light casts judgment on darkness. v. 20, Sin wants to be hidden. Light does not allow it. v. 20, Sin wants to be hidden. Light does not allow it. v. 21, Only righteousness can stand to be exposed to God’s Light. v. 21, Only righteousness can stand to be exposed to God’s Light.
BE LIGHT Matthew 5:14-16 So what does this mean for us? So what does this mean for us? ILLUMINATION: We are also called to be light. ILLUMINATION: We are also called to be light. DECLARATION: We declare and are declared in baptism. DECLARATION: We declare and are declared in baptism. CELEBRATION: We share in the joy of Christ Jesus. CELEBRATION: We share in the joy of Christ Jesus. But we also must expect the opposition of darkness. But we also must expect the opposition of darkness. 1 John 3:1 See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him.