Bacteria are very small
Pore in the human skin The yellow spheres are bacteria
Bacteria about to be eaten by a white blood cell
Clean skin has about 20 million bacteria per square inch
The tip of a needle The red and yellow dots are bacteria
Bacteria on a toothbrush
Basic Characteristics Unicellular Prokaryotic Lack a nucleus Lack membrane- bound organelles Have a cell wall
2 Kingdoms Archeabacteria Live in harsh conditions Cell wall lacks peptidoglycan Eubacteria More diverse More common Cell wall contains peptidoglycan
Archeabacteria - Methanogens Live in anaerobic conditions Produce methane Found in the digestive tracts of cows & termites
Archeabacteria - Thermophiles Thrive in extremely high temperatures Hot sulfur springs, volcanic vents
Archeabacteria - Halophiles Thrive in extremely salty conditions Dead Sea, Great Salt Lake
Eubacteria Most bacteria are in this kingdom Found just about everywhere on the planet Almost as old as Archeabacteria Responsible for initial presence of oxygen in the atmosphere
3 Bacterial Shapes
1. Cocci = Sphere
2. Bacilli = Rod
3. Spirilla = Spiral
Strepto = Chain
Staphylo = Cluster
3 Methods of Obtaining Nutrition Photo- autotroph Chemo- autotroph Heterotroph
Photoautotrophs Use light to produce energy/food
Chemoautotrophs Use inorganic compounds to create usable energy/ food First life?
Heterotrophs Must consume another living organism for energy/food
2 Types of Cell Walls Gram-positive Gram-negative
Gram-positive Absorbs the Gram stain Appears purple under the microscope
Gram-negative Do NOT absorb the Gram stain Appear pink under the microscope Have a lipid outer coat Increased resistance to antibiotices
Reproduction 2 Types: Asexual & Sexual
Asexual = Binary fission DNA copies Cell divides
Sexual = Conjugation Use pili Transfer plasmids * Increases genetic diversity
Bacteria maybe helpful or harmful Cause disease Recycle nutrients Nitrogen-fixation Food Medicine Aid with digestion
Just a quick review ….
Helicobacter pylori = ulcers
Dental caries
Strep throat
Lyme Disease