Fulfillment of the Old Testament Promises
“I will put emnity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; He will strike at your head while you strike at his heel.”
Evil multiplies One righteous man Destruction by water (cleansing) Idolatry ◦ Polytheism ◦ Nation- King Descendants populate the nations
God calls Abram and promises him land and descendants. He would be the father of great nations, and a blessing for all nations ◦ First patriarch The beginning of the Chosen People ◦ Circumcision
Prefigures the sacrifice of Jesus ◦ Genesis 22: 1-19 Wood for the sacrifice Only son God will provide the sheep for the sacrifice (as a result) All nations shall find blessing because you obeyed my command
Melchizedek Rahab King Cyrus Ruth
Moses brings the people out of slavery in Egypt and receives the commandments from God to give to the people. God promises to be their God Theophany
Old TestamentNew Testament Old Covenant ◦ Israelites (People of God) ◦ Slavery in Egypt ◦ Saved by the blood of the lamb ◦ Crossed through the Red Sea to be saved ◦ Celebrate the Passover ◦ Letter of the Law Ten Commandments New Covenant ◦ All followers of Jesus (The Church) ◦ Slavery to sin ◦ By Jesus’ blood we are saved ◦ Baptism ◦ Eucharist ◦ Spirit of the Law Law of Love Two Great Commandments Beatitudes
When King David wants to build a Temple for God, God stops him and tells him that God is building a “*house” for David, A kingship that will live forever *bloodline
Cycle of Sin
Prophets Prophecy points to actions or events related to the near future and to the coming of the Messiah ◦ Micah ◦ Isaiah ◦ Zechariah