OUTSOURCED Mariam Mohamed H
FIRST MEETING Description: In the scene Todd is siting with Puro and aunt Gees talking in the lobby of her guest house. (Jeffcoat, 2006) Culture clash: The situation started when Todd ate with his left hand, licked his hand and return it back to eat again. In contrast, the Indian culture have some traditions while eating that they have to use their right hand to eat, and they never lick their hand and return it back to the plate. (Jeffcoat, 2006) Hofstede dimensions: Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI) low score (40) ("geert-hofstede", N.D.A) represented in Indian culture where people are following the same rules and traditions in eating. While in American culture scored high (46) ("geert-hofstede", N.D.A) that people are more comfortable with having different rules and traditions.
TODD WITH PURO IN THE COFFEE Description: In the scene Todd is sitting with Puro having drink while talking about different things. (Jeffcoat, 2006) Culture clash: The situation is that Puro got surprised when he knew that Todd is living near to his mother but he used to see her few times a year. Also he got amazed that most Americans do things they don’t like. As an example, he noticed that Todd don’t like either his boss or his company but he is still working there. (Jeffcoat, 2006) Hofstede dimensions: Individualism versus Collectivism (IDV) high individualism goes for America with score (91) ("geert-hofstede", N.D.A) where it focuses more on individuals, economic development and modern industry ("Andrews", N.D.B). For instance, Todd said to Puro that in his world it make sense to work more in order to satisfy their needs (Jeffcoat, 2006). While collectivism is represented in India with score (48) ("geert-hofstede", N.D.A) where it concern more about group relationships and group conversions ("Andrews", N.D.B). For example, Puro is tend to live with his parents as an extended family (Jeffcoat, 2006). Additionally, decisions are based on group common interest ("Andrews", N.D.B).
TODD WITHIN THE WORK Description: In the scene, Todd apologized from the employees after he saw the efforts they put into their work. (Jeffcoat, 2006) Culture clash: The situation is when Todd realized that he need to learn more about India. Regard to that he asked the employees how would they make things different and what would make their work day more positive experience. (Jeffcoat, 2006) Hofstede dimensions: Power Distance Index (PDI) High power distance represented in India with score (77) ("geert-hofstede", N.D.A) where powerful people try to look as powerful as possible ("Andrews", N.D.D). for example when the employees puts too much effort into the work to make significant changes (Jeffcoat, 2006). Additionally, subordinates expect to be told ("Andrews", N.D.D). For instance, In the beginning Todd gave the employees all the tasks they have to do without listening to their opinions (Jeffcoat, 2006). However, US got low score in this dimension (40) ("geert-hofstede", N.D.A) where all employees have equal rights and juniors expect to be consulted ("Andrews", N.D.D).
TODD AND AISHA'S MEETING Description: In the scene, Todd met Aisha in the market, they exchanged some talks for a while and after that they shake hands before leaving (Jeffcoat, 2006). Culture clash: The situation is that Aisha is dealing in formal way with Todd and that's in order to hide their relationship from people. because Aisha got engaged by another man since she was four years (Jeffcoat, 2006). Hofstede dimensions: Indulgence versus Restraint (IND), India had the low score in this dimension (26) ("geert-hofstede", N.D.A). That they are obliged to strictly comply with their norms. Which in turns it limits their freedom and practicing their rights (Krause, N.D.E). For instance, Aisha had no right to choose the one she want to marry because her family decided on behalf her (Jeffcoat, 2006). On the other hand, High indulgence goes to America with score of (68) ("geert- hofstede", N.D.A). Whereas people in US can have full control to their lives (Krause, N.D.E). For example, Todd can choose whoever he want to marry, and he can enjoy his life as the way he like to.
DAVE AND TODD’S DISCUSSION Description: In the scene, the boss is talking with Todd about the reason why he came to India. (Jeffcoat, 2006). Culture clash: The situation is when Dave said that he need to work by proprietary data of this address before pull of India. And he is planning to move to china. (Jeffcoat, 2006). Hofstede dimensions: Long Term Orientation versus Short Term Normative Orientation (LTO) Low score (26) goes to America ("geert- hofstede", N.D.A). Where American people emphasis on quick results. For instance, Dave asked Todd to move to China in order to gain more profits as soon as possible (Jeffcoat, 2006). Furthermore, Todd have personal steadfastness and stability, its important because it keep him steadfastness in different types of societies ("Andrews", N.D.C) While, India scored high in this dimension ("geert-hofstede", N.D.A). Indian culture focuses at emphasis on persistence, That people in India don’t care about the results as much as they care about staying in their positions work on their tasks and duties ("Andrews", N.D.C) (Jeffcoat, 2006).
REFERENCES "geert-hofstede". (N.D.A). Country Comparison. Retrieved October 8, 2015, from geert-hofstede: "Andrews". (N.D.B). Hofstede: Individualism / Collectivism. Retrieved October 8, 2015, from Andrews: "Andrews". (N.D.C). Hofstede: Long Term / Short Term. Retrieved October 8, 2015, from Andrews: "Andrews". (N.D.D). Hofstede: Power Distance. Retrieved October 8, 2015, from Andrews: Jeffcoat, J. (Director). (2006). Outsourced India [Motion Picture]. Krause, K. (N.D.E). HOFSTEDE'S SIXTH DIMENSION. Retrieved October 9, 2015, from Hope College: