Information technology controls - IT controls and the CIO/CISO 1 The organization's Chief Information Officer (CIO) or Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) is typically responsible for the security, accuracy and the reliability of the systems that manage and report the company's data, including financial data
Incisor 1 'Incisors' (from Latin incidere, to cut) are the front teeth present in most heterodont mammals. They are located in the premaxilla above and on the mandible below. Humans have a total of eight (two on each side, top and bottom). Opossums have 18, whereas armadillos have none. US/dental-education/continuing- education/ce421/ce421.aspx?ModuleName= coursecontentPartID=2SectionID=-1
Incisor - Structure 1 Adult humans normally have eight incisors, two of each type. The types of incisor are:
Incisor - Structure 1 * maxillary central incisor (upper jaw, closest to the center of the lips)
Incisor - Structure 1 * maxillary lateral incisor (upper jaw, beside the maxillary central incisor)
Incisor - Structure 1 * mandibular central incisor (lower jaw, closest to the center of the lips)
Incisor - Structure 1 * mandibular lateral incisor (lower jaw, beside the mandibular central incisor)
Incisor - Structure 1 Children with a full set of deciduous teeth (primary teeth) also have eight incisors, named the same way as in permanent teeth. Young children may have from zero to eight incisors depending on the stage of their tooth eruption and tooth development.
Incisor - Other animals 1 Among other animals, the number varies from species to species. Opossums have 18, whereas armadillos have none. Cats, dogs, foxes, pigs, and horses have twelve. Rodents have four. Rabbits and hares (lagomorphs) were once considered rodents, but are distinguished by having six — one small pair, called peg teeth, is located directly behind the most anterior pair. Incisors are used to bite off tough foods, such as red meat.
Incisor - Function 1 In many omnivorous mammals, such as a gorilla, they are adapted for shearing sharply. In cats, the incisors are small; biting off meat is done with the canine tooth|canines and the carnassials. In elephants, the upper incisors are modified into curved tusks (unlike with Narwhals, where it is a canine that develops into a straight and twisted tusk). The incisors of rodents grow throughout life and are worn by gnawing.
Thadée Cisowski 1 'Thadée Cisowski' (16 February 1927 – 24 February 2005), originally 'Tadeusz Cisowski', is a former Football in France|French footballer who played forward (association football)|striker, son of Polish immigrants and one of the best goalscorers in Ligue 1|Championnat de France.
Martín Fernández de Enciso 1 He was instrumental in colonising the Isthmus of Darien.[ a.htm Martín Fernández de Enciso] - Catholic Encyclopedia article Fernandez de Enciso founded a village near the Cabo de la Vela with the name Nuestra Señora Santa María de los Remedios del Cabo de la Vela, the first settlement in the Guajira Peninsula
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