Emerging technologies subcommittee Is there a need for a separate ET subcommittee? What is the scope of an ET subcommittee? –Sensors? –Instruments? –Systems?


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Presentation transcript:

Emerging technologies subcommittee Is there a need for a separate ET subcommittee? What is the scope of an ET subcommittee? –Sensors? –Instruments? –Systems? Relationship among ETS and the other subcommittees? Need for reps from each of most of the other subcommittees? Most of the other subcommittees are charged with identifying gaps/needs and implicitly, emerging technologies.

ETS – possible technologies Emerging aircarft observations: water vapor; TAMDAR; dropsondes; AQ GPS-based technologies: water vapor; tomography; moving platforms (e.g. ships); radio occultation Radar: refractivity; dense low-power adaptive networks; signal processing Lidar: short-range Doppler systems; BL aerosol BS systems; trace species Mobile systems: GPS; WP’s; AWS on trucks; etc. MEMS and nanotubes Thin-film devices Other?

ETS – possible members Dave McLaughlin, UMass and director of the CASA NSF Engineering Research Center Bob Palmer, Univ. Oklahoma, and one of the several developers of the range-imaging technology Chris Rocken, GPS expert -- both ground-based and satellite occultation Ed Westwater, NOAA OAR (ret. ??) -- IR and microwave passive profiling Mike Hardesty, NOAA OAR -- lidar methods or Ed Eloranta, Univ. Wisconsin -- lidar Jay Herman, NASA Goddard -- innovative satellite technologies for air quality and weather Peter Hildebrand, NASA Goddard -- active microwave instruments (ground and satellite) and airborne measurements Jim Lillegren, Argonne NL (former ARM instrument development chief) Jussi Mykkanen, Vaisala – emerging sensors Chris Fairall, NOAA OAR – bright, multifaceted observation specialist